Overwhelmed and alone



  • LouiseTurner
    LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
    edited March 2015

    Hi Lozza,

    Well on the upside at least you know what you are dealing with now and they are taking some action. Be self indulgent, its a weird space to be in, but work can also be a good distraction. You have every right to have a little pity party for yourself, and yes things could be worse, but for now this is your story and you can whinge and cry because it is happening to you. Bummer about the surgeon going away, but it could be agood sign that there is no real rush. Take care XXXLouie

  • LouiseTurner
    LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
    edited March 2015


  • Lozza
    Lozza Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015

    Hi Louise,

    Thanks for kind words. Your right there is not as much rush right now as the tumour 5.5cm is out and now it is a matter of getting rid of the remaining breast so no more can come back. I just have to keep telling myself that is what has to happen. As hard as it will be Im sure. I will feel lucky that I dont need any chemo or radiaotherapy. Tomorrow will be hard as I return to work.But my co workers are great and supportive.

    Thank you for your support.


  • Lozza
    Lozza Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015

    Hi Louise,

    Thanks for kind words. Your right there is not as much rush right now as the tumour 5.5cm is out and now it is a matter of getting rid of the remaining breast so no more can come back. I just have to keep telling myself that is what has to happen. As hard as it will be Im sure. I will feel lucky that I dont need any chemo or radiaotherapy. Tomorrow will be hard as I return to work.But my co workers are great and supportive.

    Thank you for your support.


  • Lozza
    Lozza Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015

    Hi Louise,

    Thanks for kind words. Your right there is not as much rush right now as the tumour 5.5cm is out and now it is a matter of getting rid of the remaining breast so no more can come back. I just have to keep telling myself that is what has to happen. As hard as it will be Im sure. I will feel lucky that I dont need any chemo or radiaotherapy. Tomorrow will be hard as I return to work.But my co workers are great and supportive.

    Thank you for your support.


  • Flip
    Flip Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2015
    I too was diagnosed with a 10.5 cm malignant phyllodes tumour. Had left breast mastectomy nearly 3 weeks ago and have had the all clear - no radiation therapy needed. Still very sore and uncomfortable and am finding it difficult to carry out the physio exercises. Burning, stinging pain is driving me nuts as well as a very active 5 year old. Hopefully things improve in the coming weeks.
  • Lozza
    Lozza Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015
    Hi flip, your doing it tougher than me. I don't have to run after a young child at the same time. Im sure the pain willget better. Unfortunately i had a set back during past week end up back in the hospital. I past out during week and now have another health issue from the surgery. Hopefuy will be sorted soon. Im also am anaemic and have no energy so feel sick or fall asleep very easily. I'm sure we will both get there in the end. I'm grateful for the phyllodes tumour as they cut another form of breast cancer out with the breast. Maybe i would not have been as lucky if I had not had the phyllodes tumour. Good luck with recovery. Lozza.
  • Lozza
    Lozza Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015

    Hi Flip,

    It is a slow process but hopely we get there. The Mastectomy and implant is going well according to the surgeon. Except for future surgery to change the implant. He was hoping for 1 lot of surgery and keeping expander in place. Never mind at least it won't be a mastectomy next time.

    Apparently I have a myocardial imflammation from a virus. The only thing is rest at the moment which I am doing. Can't help but do that as fall asleep every time I sit down. Never mind it could be much worse!!! I could be not here.

    They found I had another breast cancer spreading in the breast they removed so I have to thank the phyllodes tumour as it may have saved my life if not finding it when they did. You do tend to re-evaluate what is important and make some changes.

    Good luck keep going and I'm sure we will get there and enjoy every minute with your young child. Live a happy life!

    All the best from Lozza.

  • Lozza
    Lozza Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015

    Hi Flip,

    It is a slow process but hopely we get there. The Mastectomy and implant is going well according to the surgeon. Except for future surgery to change the implant. He was hoping for 1 lot of surgery and keeping expander in place. Never mind at least it won't be a mastectomy next time.

    Apparently I have a myocardial imflammation from a virus. The only thing is rest at the moment which I am doing. Can't help but do that as fall asleep every time I sit down. Never mind it could be much worse!!! I could be not here.

    They found I had another breast cancer spreading in the breast they removed so I have to thank the phyllodes tumour as it may have saved my life if not finding it when they did. You do tend to re-evaluate what is important and make some changes.

    Good luck keep going and I'm sure we will get there and enjoy every minute with your young child. Live a happy life!

    All the best from Lozza.

  • Lozza
    Lozza Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015
    Hi all, has anyone had a reaction from their tissue expanders that have been put in post mastectomy?? My symptoms are that I have these hot flushes especially following doing minimal tasks. Like showering. I feel nauseated or vomit if I don't take tablets. I also feel like I will pass out. I am on hormones for hot flushes so not my age! My dr ? Reaction from silicon covering of expander but surgeon and physician don't think it is cause. Wondered if anyone had these symptons. I also don't have temperatures recorded. Feeling very ordinary. I was very good for a week post op then down hill since!!! Lozza.

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