Mich x
Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
edited September 2012 in Health and wellbeing

Hi girls,

I have been off the radar for a little while unfortunately.  I was getting very close to the end of my radiotherapy and was managing my skin really well plus I was walking a fair amount every day, feeling positive despite being away from home and being in not perfect living arrangements.  Couldn't fault the place I was staying in but it was one particular family occupying a room that made things quite unbearable for anyone around them. 

Anyway I  was feeling quite chuffed with myself for doing so well on my own.  Silly me!!!!!  That wasn't allowed to continue unfortunately as I managed to pick up someone elses bugs (due to my very low immune system still) and came down with a lung infection or bronchial pneumonia depending which doctor was making the diagnosis.

Anyway I have been on numerous antibiotics, seen my GP, chemo onco and rads onco and if I hadn't of been returning home on the day I saw the rads oncologist for the last time she would have put me in hospital on a drip of antibiotics.  Instead we came home and I have been unwell now for a good few weeks. 

I managed to get through and finished the 7 weeks of radiotherapy and my skin has done very well, thank goodness.  I also feel that I have turned the corner with this latest bump in my road so I hope to continue to get well now and be here for you all if you need.  The last lot of antibiotics did the trick :-)

I have very much missed chatting with you while I was sick so I am glad I am back and looking forwards now to getting well.  I plan to eat well, lose weight and exercise more - all of these as I am capable of doing of course.  I have learnt that throughout my journey that you can only do what you can do at the time and to the best of your ability....

The main thing stopping me now is bloody fatigue, it is a real shocker.  Saturday I couldn't get out of bed, Sunday and today I get up and do a little bit, then have to lay down, do a bit more and have to lay down.  I am seriously hoping this will pass for me soon as I want to get on with my life and get some form of control back.  I know it will and I just have to be patient but very frustrating.

I have missed you all very much.  Thank you for being here for me every day and whenever I need you to lean on.

Wishing you all good health LOL Mich xoxoxo


  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    edited March 2015

    You poor love.  To get bronchial pneumonia straight after radiation would knock most people flat.  You are a fighter, Mich, but I hope you are resting up until your strength comes back, and that there is someone with you to make sure you don't overdo things. Get well soon - thinking of you - big hugs, Michelle x

  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Michelle for your kind words.

    I guess you have to be a fighter so you can get through these tough times.  I will get there in the end.  I have had a good morning and not had to lay down yet but I feel it comin on and then you just hit a wall and have to lay down and rest until your energy returns (if it does return that is hee hee)

    I am doing it on my own and have pretty much done the majority of my journey on my own but hubby is home when he can which is about one week a month.  Someone has to earn the money at the moment so we can pay those bills that keep on coming.  I haven't been up to working through most of my journey and one of my jobs was quite physical and the others I needed to be able to think and a lot of the time that doesn't come easy with chemo brain.  Plus it didn't help that I needed to be in Perth for 7 weeks for my radiotherapy.

    Anyway I am re-evaluating my life at the moment and not sure I will rush back to work this year anyway. My health comes first and I think we have  managed financially when put under restrictions and no joy with my Trauma cover coming to the party so we can manage till next year living frugally I reckon.   BC puts a different perspective on your life doesn't it.

    I am getting better every day and I just hope for no setbacks so I can keep moving forward.

    Are you going to the conference in October.  I am looking forward to it.

    PS:  Your "hair" looks great.!!!!  My "hair" is similar style but more mousy colour.  I only wear it when I have to now.  I have a coating of salt and pepper coloured very very short straight hair so far so I have decided my lil community will have to get used to me like this from now on.  It is amazing how many double takes people give you but I am starting to laugh about it now where as before I stressed to the max and wouldn't step outside without something covering my head.  Your hair will grow back more beautiful than ever I am sure. 

    LOL, Mich xoxo

  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Michelle for your kind words.

    I guess you have to be a fighter so you can get through these tough times.  I will get there in the end.  I have had a good morning and not had to lay down yet but I feel it comin on and then you just hit a wall and have to lay down and rest until your energy returns (if it does return that is hee hee)

    I am doing it on my own and have pretty much done the majority of my journey on my own but hubby is home when he can which is about one week a month.  Someone has to earn the money at the moment so we can pay those bills that keep on coming.  I haven't been up to working through most of my journey and one of my jobs was quite physical and the others I needed to be able to think and a lot of the time that doesn't come easy with chemo brain.  Plus it didn't help that I needed to be in Perth for 7 weeks for my radiotherapy.

    Anyway I am re-evaluating my life at the moment and not sure I will rush back to work this year anyway. My health comes first and I think we have  managed financially when put under restrictions and no joy with my Trauma cover coming to the party so we can manage till next year living frugally I reckon.   BC puts a different perspective on your life doesn't it.

    I am getting better every day and I just hope for no setbacks so I can keep moving forward.

    Are you going to the conference in October.  I am looking forward to it.

    PS:  Your "hair" looks great.!!!!  My "hair" is similar style but more mousy colour.  I only wear it when I have to now.  I have a coating of salt and pepper coloured very very short straight hair so far so I have decided my lil community will have to get used to me like this from now on.  It is amazing how many double takes people give you but I am starting to laugh about it now where as before I stressed to the max and wouldn't step outside without something covering my head.  Your hair will grow back more beautiful than ever I am sure. 

    LOL, Mich xoxo

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Sorry to hear you caught a bug after radiation.This bc journey never goes according to plan does it. And yes,you do alot of re evaluating of your life after cancer.I'm glad you are not rushing back to work but rather taking time for yourself to recover.We learn don't we.Hey,be a trophy wife for awhile-it's fun. I hope you get your mojo back soon and I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

                                      Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Sorry to hear you caught a bug after radiation.This bc journey never goes according to plan does it. And yes,you do alot of re evaluating of your life after cancer.I'm glad you are not rushing back to work but rather taking time for yourself to recover.We learn don't we.Hey,be a trophy wife for awhile-it's fun. I hope you get your mojo back soon and I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

                                      Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Thanks so much for your kind words Mich.I am more in awe of you and the ladies who do ALL the treatments in one hit.I did radiation in 2003 and chemo in 2010 so didn't cop the double whammy.I would think that really knocks you for six - but you'll get there.You have no choice but to be patient. I got a lot of support from this network back in 2010 and so,inturn,I like to be here for others starting out on this bc path.You are doing the same- reassuring others and writing words of comfort where you can.This is such a supportive network and the women who work at BCNA are very special.I thought they were but after meeting most of them in Melbourne last week,now I know.  Take it easy so you'll be fighting fit by end of October.

                                            Tonya xx