New diagnosis-Time frame

Mariancol Member Posts: 5
New to the world of breast cancer. I just turn 50 and the early mammogram on the week after found a small anomalie. 
2 weeks later and after a biopsy and 3d mammogram I’m on the early stages of my journey. 

My GP process the referal to Peter McCallum in Melbourne yesterday and the breast care nurse explain to me that I will need surgery and the rest will depend on the next results, 

How long is usually the waiting time to hear from the hospital for first appointment? And the. For surgery? As everyone else in this journey I just want to get things to move and get this thing out of my body, I have an 8 year old girl and the prospect of delaying scares me to death. 
 Thanks everyone. I’m so happy I can read everyone’s journey and not feel so lonely in my own path


  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    @Mariancol.  We all know exactly how you are feeling.  You will find a lot of good information on this site to help you on the next steps.  The waiting is the hardest.
    To my knowledge, if you are in the public system they aim to get surgery done within 4 weeks.  Feel confident that you have been referred to one of the best hospitals in Melbourne and they know what they are doing.
    Until the medical team has test results they cannot formulate your correct treatment plan so sure that they will do their best for you.  As the BC nurse said, that plan will depend on the results and all will be revealed.
    Do stay away from Dr Google as much of what you read is out of date and much won't even be part of your treatment plan.
    We are here if you need to chat or vent at any time.  No question is too small or too silly.
    All the best.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    So sorry to see you've joined our select little group, @Mariancol ... but as @June1952 has said, you're in the right spot for support and information from those who've gone before you xx

    It's great you've been assigned a BC Nurse already - she should keep you updated on your appointments.  Once you've seen your surgeon (which should be soon) your surgery should be within a week or two of that ..... please consider recording your early appointments on your phone, as it is really easy to miss bits in the emotions of the day - and also take a trusted friend or relative with you as both physical and mental support xx  

    Feel free to check out this thread, that has a lot of info on the forum that you may like to explore .... in the mean time, try & keep as busy as you can, doing things that you love doing ... to keep both your mind & body busy.  xx

    take care & all the best xx
  • Mariancol
    Mariancol Member Posts: 5
    thank you both for the reassurance, my doctor said don't hesitate and let's go straight to the Peter Callum Center so I'm glad ill be in good hands.
    the wait is the worst but with all this resources I'll be busy for the time being.
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 155
    Hi Mariancol, I’m also early in my journey. I just had biopsies and PET scan this week. Seeing the breast surgeon (I have seen her once, she ordered my biopsies and PET scan)on Tuesday as my results will be ready. I am with Alfred Hospital.
    Hope you get your appointment scheduled soon and all the best xx
  • Mariancol
    Mariancol Member Posts: 5
    Hi GinGin, 
    I had the biopsy Tuesday and results last Friday, I'm waiting for the Hospital to call me with an appointment, did the breast surgeon sent you for new biopsy and PET scan or this is your first one?
    It amazes me the saw that small shadow on my mammogram and did the biopsy to confirm.

    Everything is so new, they suggested to discuss with my GP which hospital will be best as I'm Coburg north but my GP said Peter Mac as it is specialised, vey hard to make a decision so early without any previous knowledge of either one of the hospitals around.

    Yes of luck with your results! xx
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,318
    Hi @Mariancol
    So sorry you had to join our club but you have come to the right place.
    This forum is a great source of info and support and the website has a wealth of information .
    Regarding timelines - there are best practice timelines for medical professionals to follow but I know I felt once my breast cancer was diagnosed it felt like a radioactive beacon and I wanted it out NOW!
    There are a variety of tests that need to be done to work out a plan - most have surgery first ( lumpectomy or mastectomy ) but sone have chemo first .
    I had to have an ultrasound, MRI , bone scan and petscan before my treatment plan was settled ( mastectomy) and I lost a week due to catching a cold and covid restrictions meaning I couldn’t attend the hospital for  scans .
    I ended up having the mastectomy 6 weeks after getting my diagnosis and it was very hard with all the waiting .
    Best advice is keep busy and stay away from “ Dr Google”
    I am in Sydney but have heard great things about Peter Mac centre.
    Take care 🌺
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 155
    Hi Mariancol,  I have sent you an email. Please check your inbox. you need to click on your profile (right top).
  • Tarma
    Tarma Member Posts: 73
    Hi Mariancol, 👋  
    How are you ? 
  • Mariancol
    Mariancol Member Posts: 5
    Hi Tarma, I've got my first appointment with the breast surgeon and Breast care nurse, I'm getting a mammogram with contrast next Thursday and then they'll decide surgery day, just going one day at a time.. all so daunting, thanks for asking!
    how are you?
  • Tarma
    Tarma Member Posts: 73
    I'm doing ok, thankyou for asking💕 and it sounds like you are too, all things considered.. 
    Surgery is something I won't need to worry about until after chemo is finished at the end of the year, or early next.. please keep me up to date with how Surgery went for you, if you don't mind.. 
    Take good care of yourself 

  • Mariancol
    Mariancol Member Posts: 5
    will do, good luck with your chemo, hope it goes fast and that it's not too bad for you.