Not doing so well



  • LDP
    LDP Member Posts: 17
    Hi @Fufan. I'm trying everything I know. One day I will ask and the immediate response will be 'Yes'
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    @LDP. Hopefully one of the Melbourne crew can give you some advice on what’s available in Melbourne for you. Being from Sydney outer west i know nothing about Melbourne Services. The help line is a great place to start. 
    I would be surprised if anyone on here that didn’t go through the roller coaster of emotions 
    the F/F’s are a my description. Fatigue, Flattened (as in no enthusiasm), Frustrated, Frightened, Forgetful, theres another F that i could insert but for decency I will leave it out. 
    My medication gives me all those feelings even though i know I’m stable at the moment time seems to drag   I’m often checking out Friday Funnies when Im having a down moment and always on the lookout for them to post. Along with the strategies the councillor gave me to use. 
    Hang in there 💐 LDP 
  • LDP
    LDP Member Posts: 17
    Yes @cranky_granny, all those Fs apply including the one you choose not to use. I'm hanging in there best I can.
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    edited February 2023
    @LDP most people tend to think anybody can use the ONJ Wellness Centre, but that isn't the case.  I had some treatment there, but changed to a closer hospital to me because I found the Centre to be so busy and buzzers going off all the time, and roaming musicians singing in peoples faces whilst having chemo in the chemo room.  Have you visited the Wellness Centre?  I was shocked at the lack of calmness, and outpatients had buzzers handed to them, so I would hear buzzers going off all the time when it was their time to be seen by the medical team.  Granted they have 2 breast care nurses, but they are so stressed, and I would often see them with an outpatient that looked very ill indeed, I would have felt I was taking the time away from a patient in more need than me.  

    I wonder if you could find a smaller public hospital a bit further away that would allow the breast care nurse to contact you.  Message me if you want to know where I went and I could not fault the care I had there.  Take care, and it can be a maze trying to get the care you need/want, but I wouldn't say that the public system is superior to the private system, they are just so different.  
  • LDP
    LDP Member Posts: 17
    Thank you @Keeping_positive. Yes I wouldn't mind knowing where you attended. I like your ID name; I too so want to be positive but 3 weeks in from diagnosis, I'm still processing and that's why I want the support. How do you maintain your positivity?
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @LDP I am not always positive.  Although I often remind myself to embrace the changes I have to make or had to make.  I will send you a private message. 
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @LDP also I occasionally attended 2 cancer support groups, but now they have disbanded, thanks to the virus !!!!!!!!!