well bugger bum Daryl had to take me to Townsville hosp today 3rd as i was still getting dizzy and still in pain from my fall.
they said it is highly possible i could have a tiny hairline fracture but even if they xrayed treatment would be the same rest and painkillers.
as my eyes were okay didn't feel it needed to have xray. but recommended i take it easy , they gave me a letter so if i need to see another doctor they know what happend.
anyway i am going to have fun. we were going to go further north but i stuffed that up , next time i guess.
any way as Daryl keeps saying it could be worse at least i have no bleeding into my brain.
Thanks Annie just taking our time going home via the coast, at the whitsundays at the moment, good they know how to rip people off. but it is very pretty and tropical here , i am okay just get dizzy now n then i have a letter so if i get more headaches the nearest hospital will know whats what. the townsville hosp was good and said a hairline fracture doesnt always show up anyway and it is the same treatment. . if we call in will let you know. before hand x
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Hi Leonie will do at whitsundays at mooment but keep you posted.
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Hi all, well we didn't end up catching up with anyone along the way, but have had a great time , at Tin can bay i was part of a small group that fed and met the dolphins in the bay there, wild indo pacific humpback dolphins, i had a ball and got a kiss and two bumps from one called patch the alpha female, and it was so emotional for me just beautiful , they are so gently patch only wnet up to two people other than the rangers and i later talked to the other woman and she had had bowel cancer at the 5 yr mark so we had alot in common , the other dolphins let people feed them ,but patch only went to us was so surreal,
almost like she knew, we both came away amazed and feeling very special.
I am still having the odd dizzy spell but will see my own Doctor next Monday so will find out more then.
tonight we are at Narabri in the showground just o/n we are finding after about 5 hours driving we are both pooped, and need to rest, Daryl still gets very tired too, so we are a great pair.
i hope everyone is keeping well.
I have a big favour to ask can you all pray to who ever you believe in whether God or a higher power or Buddha for my Girlfriend Heather she was diagnosed with inoperable ovarian cancer she has been having chemo taxol after her second dose she needed a transfusion and again after her third her fourth they didn't give her taxol but another chemo and yet again she needed a transfusion, but sadly she isn't responding well the first chemo the tumour seemed to be shrinking but now isnt doing anything.
i am very worried for her, we have been friends for over 30 years had a fall out for a couple of years but back together again now, i will keep you all posted , the chemo has given her numb feet pins and needles in her hands and sickness. .i know many of you have had this chemo so you would understand . i pray that they will find another treatment that will work.
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Lovely to get your blog and hear about your travels. I will seek you out at the Congress and finally meet up. Dolphins are very special and now you have been singled out so are you. I am yet to get "up close and personal" with them. Have seen them at Seaworld but it is not the same as in the wild. I feel your pain with your friend. I have a friend whom I met nearly 6 years ago at a Support Group. She is the first lady that I have known to have ovarian cancer. We did an Art Workshop together that went for 8 weeks and finished with an exhibition. We then went on and set up our Dragonboat club. This lady is such a talented lady who is a tailoress who can put her hands to anything. She is now very ill as the chemo is not working for her. She is still amazing those around her with her courage - I am in such awe of her in her final leg of her journey. As she puts it "I am on a fast trip into heaven". I will continue to visit her on a weekly basis until there is no more weeks. Unfortunately she is unable to go home to pass away as there is so much intervention happening for her comfort. I will also pray for your friend. XLeonie