DCIS - Breast marker missed in initial surgery



  • Reggie3
    Reggie3 Member Posts: 20
    Dear Caz1,

    Thank you so much for your comments, yes he did say that he uses u/s during surgery, something is not adding up.
  • Reggie3
    Reggie3 Member Posts: 20
    Dear FLClover 

    I live in Canberra and thank you for your advice and concern also, it makes me feel so much better to know that you guys also think something is wrong with this terrible situation I'm now in.
  • Emma17
    Emma17 Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2021
    @Reggie3 Your gut instinct that 'something is not adding up' is key.  We're not Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) like our doctors but we have common sense and life experience.  When we sense discordance and that 1+1=3, that means something's wrong.  It's our gut instinct.  Go with it. 

    Discordance and skirting the truth ultimately exposed my treatment team and I fired one of them by letter with cc: to the others and a copy to my GP for his/her records.
  • Reggie3
    Reggie3 Member Posts: 20
    Thank you Emma17 you have given me the confidence to stand up for myself. Good on you for firing one of your treatment team. Sorry you had to go through that, it's hard enough as it is, but so not satisfactory when you have to address those sorts of concerns it just adds more stress.
  • noosa_blue150
    noosa_blue150 Member Posts: 212
    edited January 2021
    will be thinking of you later this week - let’s hope you get it all out this time. Make sure you get copy of all your records too so if you need to lodge any queries you have the Evidence .
  • Louise64
    Louise64 Member Posts: 112
    @Reggie3 you poor thing, I can’t imagine going through that. I have moved from Brisbane to Canberra after my DCIS surgery and radiotherapy in July. I had 2 markers, one from previous calcification and the DCIS marker, Ihad the fine wire and was advised after surgery that after pathologist- during surgery cleared for closure, then got back to say they needed to take more out to ensure margins clear. My female surgeon was very specific about what was done and redone under general anaesthesia and in one surgery....I am bewildered that this could happen to you. If GP has agreed I would still be asking lots of questions of surgeon before surgery and take someone with you to take notes of procedure this time. 
    Please take care and be kind to yourself ...DCIS diagnosis is a lot without what you endured. I certainly would be seeking more information and consulting independent opinion. Recovery is hard enough. A big virtual hug for a healthy outcome. 
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    Hi @Reggie3
    Thinking of you in this awful situation.     Wishing you all the best for Thursday.   Sending hugs xxx
  • ChezaH
    ChezaH Member Posts: 549

    Reggie3 said:

    Update - so I went and saw my GP this afternoon, he could not understand either why the DCIS and marker were missed, in his words 'highly unusual'. He did say that I should have surgery on Thursday with the same surgeon, given that I was diagnosed in late November time is ticking by and it is best to have it removed ASAP. My GP has recommended a lot of women to this surgeon and none have had any issues. If I go with another surgeon it could be another month away before I have the surgery and I would need to start the process all over again :-( Financially I can not afford to go private with someone else and pay another gap fee.

    I have spoken with a BCNA nurse, ACT Breast care nurse and also a cancer psychologist this morning. All are saying to me that it is a very unusual occurrence and agree that something is not right with the situation. I will be asking some serious questions after the surgery is completed of the surgeon, but at this point in time the most important thing to do is to have it removed. 

    Thank you everyone for your advice and support.

    Good luck with your second surgery, sending hugs for a better outcome, and also I agree to look further into it after the surgery and you recover to have the strength to go further. xx Cheryl
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    It is in his best interest @Reggie3 so let’s hope he does it right this time!! It’s a bit sad that things need to be like this in small cities, and even sometimes in big ones, where other surgeons don’t want to interfere even though we’re talking about saving a life! Im glad you’re taking this further once pathology confirms it’s gone. You def need it gone ASAP. 
    @Dory65 great idea about the letter!! I’m planning on doing same thing with my first surgeon, but only as constructive feedback. I just changed my surgeons and he got the gist after a while, as I also wasn’t strong enough back then to face him. Actually maybe I was, but I was also quite angry,  and he was very stubborn and wouldn’t listen in person, so written form is great 👌🏻👌🏻.