Last steps of my op! :-)

Hello Ladies, I hope you are all doing well.......It is over now 1 year since my diagnonsis of TNBC and so much has happened. I have just had the finishing touches & tidy up of my diep-flap surgery & I have a lovely set of breast again with nipples and some lipo-sculpture done last Monday just gone and all went well :-) All that is left to do is the nipple tattooing & then it's back to a normal life....I'm feeling a lot less like I've been put through the ringer now & most of the chemo side effects have passed so once my boobs have settled & my lipo wounds have healed it's back to a new goal for exercise regime to lose some weight & start to save up for my well earned holiday that I have always planned on doing & thats heading over to Scotland, but 1st of all over to Canada to see my good friend that i've just re-aquainted with after nearly 30 years of distantance between us & thanks to f.b. we are now in contact & she cannot wait for me & my family to get over there....So i'm in an awesome place in my life right now and am champing at the bit to live it to the absolute MAXIUM!!!
Brightest Blessings to you all,
Susan xxxx
What a cheery post - so lovely to read from someone at the END rather tha the beginning.
I hope you have the BEST time visiting your dear friend, isn't FB a wonderful way to keep in touch - or to get back in touch.
I am already looking up stuff for a trip I want to make in about 4 years (I know, but I like to plan - it's half the fun !) so good luck with your saving as well. Life is for living, get out there and do it.
Make sure to come back and tell us about your travels.
much lov
Keitha - magicmum
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Hi Keitha, thank you for your post :-) there is nothing wrong with planning ahead for a trip of a lifte time because thats exactly what i'm doing.....I always said once my last two of my 6 kids which are twins 13yrs old turned 18 years old I'm off to the U.K. & even though finding out I had TNBC last year knocked me for 6 for a fair while I'm slowly but surely getting back on track and i'm feeling good about my self again & feeling the energy serge back through my travel veins. I hope your travel dreams & plans come to fruition as well.
Brightest Blessings to you & yours, Susan )o(
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Lovely to see you back online and sounding so terrific. I had morning tea with a couple of my old school friends last week. One of them said "You have seen the light Leonie - we should live how you do". I thought this was lovely and very fitting. Each year since my first diagnosis my husband and I have a special holiday to mark the achievement of another year. We went to Thailand this year and will most likely do a return trip next year and see lots of the places that we missed. Enjoy because you deserve it and because you can. We all must have "things" to strive for. XLeonie PS Isn't it goo to feel well?
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Hi Susan,
That is wonderful news that you have passed the year mark and feel so well! Have a great trip and enjoy every moment - you deserve it.
As another TNBC I have read all your posts and find them such a comfort. We had to cancel a trip when I was diagnosed in April - I just hope that this time next year I feel as well as you do, and we can re-book the whole thing!
Also know what you mean about starting a fitness regime after treatment - at present I am told that nutrition is more important than weight gain so am going along with that. Getting well is the most important goal.
Keep enjoying life - it really is the secret - and please keep posting to inspire us all -
love, Michelle xx
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Hi Susan,
That is wonderful news that you have passed the year mark and feel so well! Have a great trip and enjoy every moment - you deserve it.
As another TNBC I have read all your posts and find them such a comfort. We had to cancel a trip when I was diagnosed in April - I just hope that this time next year I feel as well as you do, and we can re-book the whole thing!
Also know what you mean about starting a fitness regime after treatment - at present I am told that nutrition is more important than weight gain so am going along with that. Getting well is the most important goal.
Keep enjoying life - it really is the secret - and please keep posting to inspire us all -
love, Michelle xx
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Hi Susan,
That is wonderful news that you have passed the year mark and feel so well! Have a great trip and enjoy every moment - you deserve it.
As another TNBC I have read all your posts and find them such a comfort. We had to cancel a trip when I was diagnosed in April - I just hope that this time next year I feel as well as you do, and we can re-book the whole thing!
Also know what you mean about starting a fitness regime after treatment - at present I am told that nutrition is more important than weight gain so am going along with that. Getting well is the most important goal.
Keep enjoying life - it really is the secret - and please keep posting to inspire us all -
love, Michelle xx
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Hi Michelle, I have been a little quiet online of late for a number of reasons - all good. Yes next year you will be well and you will be able to reclaim your travel plans. This journey does take out at least a year of your life with treatment (sometimes more with ongoing treatments). It is really good to see others getting back their lives and enjoying life. I never stop enjoying myself. My daughters call me "Paris Hilton" as I am all over the country having fun. I do like being at home as well - new home and trying to get my plants in order and of course trying to start up my vege garden. I look forward to hearing about your travels next year - IT WILL HAPPEN. Take care. XLeonie
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You are so right! I have just written this year off to getting well again, and next year life starts fresh - treatment permitting. It really helps to have plans to look forward to - your "Paris Hilton" tag made me laugh - and enjoying life is the key. Your new home and vegetable garden sounds wonderful. You are obviously enjoying the best of both worlds, and that's great - keep it up - I am sure your daughters are proud of you!
Love, Michelle xx