I am now a "Nude Nut"
Yes the is chemo brain as they call it, is a doozy.... I keep forgetting things that I no longer require.
The other day in the shower I noticed I still had my shaver hanging there..... looking quite lonely....
So I threw it away, to have a lovely new one there one day when I need to shave in the future..
Yes the kids are now using my shampoo and conditioner, to which used to be banned for them to use. So now they think the are great using it.... Waste not, want not.
I haven't even thought about packing an emergency bag.... it will be on my to do list.
Take care and big hugs Julie XX
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Hi Mich
Yes, I also can't believe how different we look, once we lose the hair.
It's great having a shower.... so quick.... And not having to dry my hair, hairdry my hair and then straighten it. Oh what a chore it used to be ... hahahaha. but, I do miss it though.
Trust me, when you do the shave, you will feel sooooo much better. I just rub in some moisturiser in the morning, pop the hat on, and presto. You really have to try the shave, you won't look back.
I thought I could handle the prickles, but not any longer. It was also making me not sleep comfortably. I would toss and turn to try and find a comfortable spot. I think also it gave me headaches as well.
Anyway, take care and talk soo. Hugs to you love Julie XX
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Hi Michelle
Right back at ya....
Hope you are going well and the chemo hasn't hit you too hard.
When you mean the love shines off the page..... I laughed .... its the reflection of our heads.. hahaha
Keep smiling , as I know you always do and take care.
Love as always Julie XX
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Hi Trina
Yes, I finally took your advice, and got Paul to shave it off. Cried while he did it though, but alot happier now.
Can sleep better. Only problem now is, the hats seem to fall off at night when I sleep... No velcro, as I had before with the hair.... My hair seemed to keep the hats on.
Having the dreaded chemo this Friday. Last one of the FEC - hooray. But, then not looking forward to the side-effects though.
Keep smiling love Julie XX
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Congrats on the Last FEC on Friday, another milestone to celebrate (and do celebrate every little milestone (when you are feeling up to it after this cycle),
Even celebrate the hair loss, it is a milestone to be celebrated, becasue that means you are a STRONG woman (look at what you have endured so far, culminating in the loss of your hair, and LOOKING STUNNING bald), and you are that much closer to it growing back.
I hope your side effects aren't too bad this cycle (I just had my 4th cycle of TCH yesterday- only 2 more to go) and get my 1st Neulasta tomorrow (have to have this done at the chemo clinic incase I reasct badly, but the last 2 can be done at home by me or the community nurses (I would rather the nurses do it - I can do it and have given myself injections in the past, but why have to syke myself int it when they are there to do it for me).
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We used my husbands beard trimmer first... then plenty of ladies shaving cream and ladies rasers... we sat out in the morning sun and just did it. It was almost an out of world experience.. I had to keep telling myself that I have BC.. and I'm shaving off the rest of my hair....I'm glad I did it.. another step towards getting through this thing.
Take it easy.. don't rush and let us know how you go.
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Thanks girls
I not well today so will talk later. Fanx for the advice.
Mich xoxo
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Thanks girls
I not well today so will talk later. Fanx for the advice.
Mich xoxo
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Careful with wet shaves and razors girls! You don't want to nic your head especially if neutropenic!0
Careful with wet shaves and razors girls! You don't want to nic your head especially if neutropenic!0
Hi Shazinoz
Yes I will celebrate my milestone after the last FEC.
The hair loss, is no big deal to me now, as the days go by. I am getting quite used to it now. But I hate the cold nights and mornings, I do feel it though.
Hope your travels with your chemo goes smoothly. Will keep the fingers crossed for you.
Take care Julie XX
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Hi Dan
Yeah hair shmair.....no great loss.... hahahaha.
I feel so much better and am getting used to it now. I agree the head does feel to cold.
Its great that you will shave your hair. As once it starts to fall out, your scalp hurts ,and don't let it get to the "cactus spikes" feeling like I did. It really hurts
Take care and talk real soon.
Love as always Julie XX
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Yes, I agree with all the girls.
I used shaving cream and razors. But you will need to be careful. Maybe have a friend help, as trying to shave the back of your head maybe a little hard to do.
Let us know how you go. You will a whole lot better once its all gone...
And hope you are feeling better real soon.
Love Julie XX