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Haematona after mastectomy

Hello. Your site has been very helpful in the past and I am hoping it will be again. Diagnosed in April 2018  with breast cancer , I have had chemo, bilateral mastectomy and radiotherapy. 10 months after surgery I have just had an echogram that shows a large  10cm haemotoma in the right breast area. Will talk to my GP and radiologist as soon as I can.
Any similar experiences? Or ideas? Your help is much appreciated. Judys


  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Hi @judys. Your GP and medical team are the best people to talk to about this. I'm guessing that you weren't aware / had no symptoms, so probably an incidental finding. 
    It may well be worth getting a formal ultrasound of it to check whether it is a haematoma or a serome. They have quite different appearances, sonographically, but I'm not sure how clearly an echo would show it. 
    See your GP in the next couple of days to follow it up
    Take care 
  • judys
    judys Member Posts: 20
    Many thanks for a quick reply. Am trying for an appontment soon. Judy
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    Hi @judys My echo showed a cyst in my liver. They call us VOMI’s. Victims of Medical Investigations. My Oncologist sent me for an ultrasound as an Echo is not the correct test to find other lumps and bumps. I got the all clear. Once you get the correct test to see what it is or isn’t then your medical team will be able to deal with it. They would call you in mighty quick if it was a concern. Try not to be too concerned, easier said than done I know. Big hugs xxx
  • judys
    judys Member Posts: 20
    Thanks will see my GP tomorrow and hopefully the specialisy too.judys