Radiotherapy feedback

Ella123 Member Posts: 11
Hi everyone, been a while since I was last on;  I have had surgery, a lumpectomy. I had my follow up post surgery appointment and my results showed very small 6mm, margins and lymph nodes all clear. I’m due to have 16 sessions of rads in due course and was just wondering about others experiences in regards to some of the side effects such as fatigue and how this may have been best managed.  Did people work during treatment? Was there anything that helped? How did others skin hold up? I bought MooGoo moisturiser so will use this, Any other advice or tips in general would be so much appreciated. 
Thanking you all in advance xx


  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hi @Ella123,

    Moo Goo is awsome stuff.  I had 30 sessions of rads. I used the moo goo, some solosite towards the end, plus  a bit of manuka honey cream.  Kind of my own little concoction of things. My skin held up well until the last week or so.  I got some flamazene to put on the ouchy bits afterwards and it healed up within about 10 days.  Some of the girls have used mepalex but that wasn't on offer where I went.  

    I had no fatigue whatsoever and worked the whole way through.  No issues, it didn't stop me from doing anything at all. The only annoying thing was driving there everyday.

    Hope you have the same luck.
  • Ella123
    Ella123 Member Posts: 11
    Thank you so much @kezmusc for your reply, much appreciated. I will look into the other creams. Fingers crossed. Xxx
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I had 16 rads after having chemo so was pretty exhausted before I even started (still am) so not sure I can help with that.  However, I did use Mepitel film (left on during the week and taken off for the weekend) and Moo Goo in between and afterwards.  I had some redness about 2 weeks after treatment finished and it was a bit tender but rad onc and surgeon both pleased with the the way the skin held up.  BTW, I had the treatment in a public hospital and had to ask for the Mepitel - they had it but don't offer it unless requested.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Hi @Ella123 - I had my radiation this time last year - Mon-Fri for 4 weeks & a couple of boosters.   I didn't really get any fatigue - tho I had a couple of non BC 'hiccups' that threw me a bit (husband injuring himself & losing a valued piece of jewellery on the 2nd day of treatment ......)  I found that emotionally, I didn't cope at all for a week or so, due to these hiccups.  If they hadn't happened, I am sure my Rads would have been a 'relative' breeze!

    Whereabouts are you (Town/City?)  Members may have tips for you that are relevant to your area.  You can add this to your profile so everyone can see (click on the 'settings wheel' on the top right hand corner & click on Edit Profile.)

    I was able to stay at an 'in-house lodge' attached to the hospital (as I live in a rural town & would have had to drive 1.5hrs to Rads each way, every day.)  Staying at the lodge was a Godsend, as I am the driver in the family!  It was subsidised by the NSW Gov, so didn't cost much either.

    My skin broke down a bit in the final week (nothing too major) and my boob remained 'hot' for 2-3 weeks afterwards ... just make sure you use the lotions & potions religiously.

    All the best for your treatment xx

  • Ella123
    Ella123 Member Posts: 11
    Thank you @Sister for your response, I will enquire about the Mepitel. Much appreciated. X
  • Ella123
    Ella123 Member Posts: 11
    Thank you @arpie for your reply, much appreciated. Will definitely use heaps of the lotions and creams! Xx
  • TripleNegMama
    TripleNegMama Member Posts: 47
    As I've had recurrences I've had to have rads twice.  Would very strongly recommend you research mepitel film and ask for it.  I had 34 rads with mepitel film and only the slightest pink, I had 25 rads without mepitel and the skin broke down completely, serious burn and horrid infection.  It reallllllly does make a difference.  It doesn't get offered automatically.  They just expect you to put up with the pain and the burn to save some $$  with all the shit other side effects we go through you would think that they should just give it to us without having to ask, most of us don't know to ask so we go through pain that we don't have to.
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    @Ella123 I have had a similar story to yours. 20 rads sessions , I worked in the mornings then had my appts in the afternoon , didn't really feel much fatigue , just going there everyday is a pain ! Used Moo goo & had no alteration in my skin. Slightly pink after the booster sessions but nothing to worry about .
    Good luck hope it all goes well x
  • Ella123
    Ella123 Member Posts: 11
    Thank you @TripleNegMama and @tigerbeth for your feedback, much appreciated. Will definitely ask about the Mepitel film, as it does seem to make a difference. I’m also planning on working during the day and appointments in the arvo, (only a few days a week) hopefully I don’t get too fatigued! Thanks again ladies xxx