Diagnosed on Friday - Myrtille

Hi there
CathyMac, I hope you don’t mind if I piggy back on your thread. I’m in a similar situation.
Diagnosed on Friday, the day my daughter graduated from year 12. Talk about wrong timing.
Waited till today (Sunday) to break the news. My anxiety actually decreased once I told the close family. I was quite worried about how they would react and cope.
I use some of the techniques mentioned above to get through the last few days: meditation, Diazepam, dinner with friends, reading, etc
Major trips overseas booked. Daughter 4 months in Europe before starting uni, her dad going to the Himalayas and South America for about 6 months and me just a short 6 weeks to Germany. We’ll have to rethink these once I get a treatment plan.
Quick question to those who are a bit further on the journey: I’ve got an appointment with my GP Monday to get a referral to a breast surgeon. Roughly, how long from getting the referral to having the actual surgery? Just hoping I’ll get that part done before Christmas. I’m in Brisbane.
Thanks for your support, it helps to know I’m not alone. Take care
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Hi @CathyMac
Welcome to the forum. There is never a good time for this thing, but it does like to show up at the busiest, most inopportune time. Mine appeared 3 days before my twins 18th birthday, a trip down the coast, a formal, a graduation and a 21st all witthin 6 wks of being diagnosed. Oh and then Christmas.
The start is the hardest, The waiting for results, waiting for appointments. The roller coaster of emotions. The confusion. It will settle a bit once you have a treatment plan.
Time frame can vary. I could have had surgery a week after my intial appointment if I had opted for a mastectomy, however I wanted a lumpectomy if possible and the primary tumour was quite elusive to find so it ended up 1mth from diagnosis. I have an acquaintence who just went to surgery 11 days after diagnosis. So hopefuylly it will move along pretty quickly for you.
All the best lovely. You are definitely never alone here.
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Hello @Myrtille
My surgery was exactly 4 weeks from diagnosis to surgery. I was a public patient.
Mine was complicated in that I am very remote. I live 2,300 kms from my closest treatment centre.
After the call back to the Breastscreen van, which luckily was still in town, I had to fly to Perth for a core biopsy. I was given the not good results and then flew home.
2 weeks later I flew back to Perth for a breast surgeon appointment, with surgery scheduled in 2 weeks time. Flew back home. 2 weeks later back to Perth for surgery. By surgery date I had had 3 return flights (a total of 13,800kms).
By surgery I was exhausted physically and emotionally by all the travelling.
My experience is not the norm for most women. Mine was complicated because I was a remote woman and the treating clinic did not realise how far and how difficult travelling is from where I lived.
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Below are a couple of links to help you find your
way around the forum and also how to find a breast care nurse and how to order
a MY journey Kit if you haven't got one yet.It can be a whirlwind when we first get a
diagnosed.... Breathe and take it one step at a time.Navigating the online community
formerly the what and how thread.Breast Care Nurses
My Journey Kits and other
BCNA Helpline 1800 500 258
If you have any questions, concerns or require any further
information or support please call 1800 500 258. BCNA’s helpline will now be open from
9am-6pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 5pm Fridays.How to understand your pathology reports
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I'm not sure about Brisbane. I was diagnosed on 5 December last year, saw my GP the same day and she got me an appointment to a surgeon the next day (she got the appointment before I even got to her rooms). The surgeon took on board that I wanted the last week of term free as my daughter was graduating from primary school + other events. I had all the scans and tests and went in for my first surgery on 21st December. I went private. My cousin was diagnosed a few weeks after me, opted for public and didn't see the surgeon for months. Similar course of treatment but I think her surgery was April.1
Thank you everyone, much appreciate your insight and support0
Welcome @Myrtille, I was diagnosed then had to wait 1 1/2 weeks to see my gp to get a referral to my surgeon. Then I saw my surgeon on the Thursday and she said if I had been one day earlier I would have been operated on the next day (that Friday) as she had an opening on her public day. She then said that I would be operated on in two weeks but that list was full so it was one month later. She also said that if I had holidays booked in the next six weeks that I should let her know and she would delay surgery so I could go on holidays and that was taking into consideration that she thought my cancer was aggressive. It's adaptable and the timeframe is dictated by surgical lists etc but I reckon it's best done early just for peace of mind. Hope you get in soon, and know we are all here for you, so any questions - ask away. Xx0