Tamoxifen and long flights



  • JustWill
    JustWill Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya

    I have just got home from an appt with my on and specifically asked about considerations for long haul flight.  I was concerned about the lymphoedema risk and asked whether I needed to think about one of those compression sleeves.  He said he wasn't worried about that but that yes Tamoxifen increased the risk of DVT and to wear anti emolism socks (the ones you have in hospital) during the flight

    Hope you have a great trip!

  • JustWill
    JustWill Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya

    I have just got home from an appt with my on and specifically asked about considerations for long haul flight.  I was concerned about the lymphoedema risk and asked whether I needed to think about one of those compression sleeves.  He said he wasn't worried about that but that yes Tamoxifen increased the risk of DVT and to wear anti emolism socks (the ones you have in hospital) during the flight

    Hope you have a great trip!

  • Loretta d
    Loretta d Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2015

    Yes I wore the sleeve and those lovely socks when I went to Cairns.

  • jo1234
    jo1234 Member Posts: 291
    edited March 2015

    Well done on the all clear test results. It must be a relief to get them out of the way for another year.   You must be doing well for them to move you to  yearly checks after your  second bout.    I don't think it will change the worrying though. That  will take time....   I am due for my 6mth check up  (even though it is longer than 6 months) on 24th  February. I am worried  over a couple of things and quite anxious which i  think is normal. I wish it was all done with though because it does mess with your head hey.  It seems to be constantly on my mind again.

    To a lighter story, Hows life with " the cat",  and daughter and her partner and those beautiful sweaty gym socks going ? ... Hope that cat is not causing to much trouble, if it is still alive that is...I would think all the paving and gardens are all finished now and you've settled right back into a relaxed home life.

    If i don't speak to you before you leave, i hope you have a great holiday..... You really  deserved some time out from all the stress and crap that has happened over the past year.    Have fun ok.  take care.

    Cheers Jo xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I wish there was some way around getting anxious about tests and results. I think we have this worry forever. I just try to keep extra busy which sometimes blocks it out.Hey,that's my oncologist letting me go for 12mths- still seeing my breast surgeon every 3mths! I'm hoping to go to 6mthly when I hit my 2 year anniversary in May.All the best for 24th Feb.-you'll most likely be fine but I know how you feel(keep cleaning the cupboards!). It's abit chaotic here-"kids" and cats have taken over the place.The cats don't get on so have to keep them seperated.My poor husband had to retrieve one from the roof the other day cos she got stuck.Antway,let's not go there! We'll be off in 4 weeks time.I  think I'll send my other daughter's cat to go live with her for awhile(the one that got on the roof).Some progress in the garden-got the water feature in but no plants yet. I won't plant too much now cos we'll be away and the plants would probably die.Luckily,my clothes line is up now so it's getting a good workout.

    Well,nice to hear from you Jo -let me know how the 24th goes.

                                       love Tonya xx

  • kittykat
    kittykat Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya,

    Last year I headed off to Russia and China, didn't even think about not taking the Tamoxifen, just headed off and took it whenever it I woke up wherever I was, I would have taken it at all different times of the day but never mind.  I had a pressure sleeve measured up by a physio and wore it conscientously on every flight but still managed to come home with slight lymphodema.  When I came home I saw a lymphodema OT who said the sleeve I was given by the physio was too small for me.  Nice one!  Anyway, I've got the right size now and I wore it every night for a few months (unless I felt too hot....) and it settled right down.  Don't stress if you get lymphodema, it really is manageable.  And have a wonderful time - I did!

    I am having more chemo for secondaries now but am determined to still take trips o/s whenever I am well enough.

    All the best,

    Cathy X

  • kittykat
    kittykat Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya,

    Last year I headed off to Russia and China, didn't even think about not taking the Tamoxifen, just headed off and took it whenever it I woke up wherever I was, I would have taken it at all different times of the day but never mind.  I had a pressure sleeve measured up by a physio and wore it conscientously on every flight but still managed to come home with slight lymphodema.  When I came home I saw a lymphodema OT who said the sleeve I was given by the physio was too small for me.  Nice one!  Anyway, I've got the right size now and I wore it every night for a few months (unless I felt too hot....) and it settled right down.  Don't stress if you get lymphodema, it really is manageable.  And have a wonderful time - I did!

    I am having more chemo for secondaries now but am determined to still take trips o/s whenever I am well enough.

    All the best,

    Cathy X

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Wow,that must have been an interesting trip. I travelled through Russia(across Siberia on the train)back in 1978. Thanks for your travel tips.I had my aux clearance back in 2003 and so far haven't had any problems.However, this is a long flight and instead of getting a compression sleeve I'm improvising and wearing a length of tubi grip up my arm.I'm abit worried about hot flushes on the plane and wanting to rip off an expensive comp.sleeve! So I'll trial it and let you know- maybe a good $8 investment! I did a long flight to USA in 2009 and didn't bother with a sleeve and was ok. How are you going,did you have the bone scan?The thought of doing chemo again would do my head in -you are so brave.After having breast cancer twice,7 years apart,I worry about getting secondaries. I just can't begin to imagine how I would deal with it.Will be thinking of you and let us know how you go with chemo.

                                                     Tonya xx 

  • louiseg
    louiseg Member Posts: 412
    edited March 2015

    I had a 7 1/2 hr flight while I've been on the Tamoxifen Tonya and I didn't have any problems....I wore Flight Stockings that I bought at the chemist but other than that I didn't take any other precautions and was fine.  Buy yourself a cheap fan to keep in your bag to combat those pesky hot flushes on the plane :)

    My next appointment with my oncologist is next Friday - hopefully just a checkup and no tests!  I can feel a small lump in my neck but it hasn't changed over the past few weeks so I think it's just a lymph node (will def get it checked though - paranoia is setting in!).

    Have a fantastic holiday,

    Louise xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Yes,fan in the handbag already! I have an array of dvt stockings and now some tubi grip for my arm(probably won't need it).Good luck with your oncology appointment next Friday.I know how you feel.I saw mine in January and he doesn't want to see me for another year now-yay! However,I was paranoid leading up to the visit.I've had this painful hip so went to my GP beforehand and got the full works!-paptest,blood tests,hip xray.Everything came back clear apart from my blood pressure being up-I wonder why!! So I plan to ignore my hip whilst on holidays and just have fun.Let me know how you get on at the oncologist.

                                  Tonya xx

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,  My trip went marvellously.  I wore my arm sleeve and hand compression on the long haul flight (I always wear my sleeve even on short flights and long car trips).  I even wore compression stockings on the way over - not on the way back as I found them too tight and uncomfortable even though they were "made to measure".  I suffer with lymphodema and have regular massages etc and really look after my arm.  However whilst away I was a bit more relaxed.  I walked and walked and walked every day and I think that this was really helpful for my arm (even with all the shopping bags hanging off it!!!!) I took my Arimidex every day - just before going to bed.  I didn't care what time it was.  I was very mindful though, being in Thailand, to cover my arm in sunscreen.    Just relax and enjoy your trip. XLeonie

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,  My trip went marvellously.  I wore my arm sleeve and hand compression on the long haul flight (I always wear my sleeve even on short flights and long car trips).  I even wore compression stockings on the way over - not on the way back as I found them too tight and uncomfortable even though they were "made to measure".  I suffer with lymphodema and have regular massages etc and really look after my arm.  However whilst away I was a bit more relaxed.  I walked and walked and walked every day and I think that this was really helpful for my arm (even with all the shopping bags hanging off it!!!!) I took my Arimidex every day - just before going to bed.  I didn't care what time it was.  I was very mindful though, being in Thailand, to cover my arm in sunscreen.    Just relax and enjoy your trip. XLeonie

  • Al
    Al Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya,

    Just wishing you a fabulous trip and enjoy every moment. Your itinerary sounds wonderful! I love Paris! Very envious! Sounds as if you are very well organised. I'm sure everything will be fine.

    Looking forward to the news when you get back!

    Relax and enjoy

    Love Alison

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Not very organized yet- haven't even got my suitcase down. I'm so glad you had a lovely holiday Leonie.It's good to have you back online though. Thanks for your well wishes girls.

                                                         Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Not very organized yet- haven't even got my suitcase down. I'm so glad you had a lovely holiday Leonie.It's good to have you back online though. Thanks for your well wishes girls.

                                                         Tonya xx