


  • k@th3r1n3
    k@th3r1n3 Member Posts: 9
    arpie so far my youngest son is coming with me as most of the appointments are made on his day off so he gets what I miss.

    @Sister thanks for your words of wisdom. I will ask for my reports and try and use the websites that @primek recommends. 

    onemargie I'm not sure what is happening re my chemo. Guess I have to be patient till Monday x

  • k@th3r1n3
    k@th3r1n3 Member Posts: 9
    Brenda5primek thanks girls I'm feeling calmer about the chemo.. I'm already organised with beanies, berets and got my eyebrows tatooed :) next is to buy some sexy wigs. 

    You are both awake at an indecent time. Hope it's because you're partying and not because you can't sleep ;)

    Love Kat
  • k@th3r1n3
    k@th3r1n3 Member Posts: 9
    arpie so far my youngest son is coming with me as most of the appointments are made on his day off so he gets what I miss.

    @Sister thanks for your words of wisdom. I will ask for my reports and try and use the websites that @primek recommends. 

    onemargie I'm not sure what is happening re my chemo. Guess I have to be patient till Monday x

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    All the best for your next round of meetings and phase of treatment ....@k@th3r1n3 ... terrific that your son is accompanying you.  

    Try not to get too concerned ... keep doing what you love doing xxx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Unfortunately poor sleep still goes on for some time past diagnosis and treatment at times.  <3
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @primek Indeed. How are you going? K xox
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Life crap and work crap now causing stress instead. Although last night I had a tiny anxious moment thinking I'd found a collarbone level enlarged lymph node...only to realise it was the area  my port threaded over the bone and in and was scar tissue. It's always something worrying us. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Sorry to hear that @Primek. Life crap and work crap is a big shovel load of trouble to be dealing with. I hope it improves soon.

    I haven't yet had a moment of panicked worry about a physical symptom but I'm sure I will. It seems to be the norm. I'm so pleased yours was scar tissue! Have a good weekend. K xox