Mastectomy and reconstruction in the public system

Jandy232 Member Posts: 15
edited May 2018 in General discussion

Six years ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer I didn’t
have health insurance (and I still don’t). I had no option but to undergo my
treatment in the public system. Initially I feared I might suffer in some way
as a result, have to wait longer, have inferior treatment. But there was no
waiting with cancer and on the whole I think my treatment – surgery, chemo,
radiotherapy, five years of tamoxifen – was excellent and very professionally
managed.  I could nit-pick here and there
about little issues but overall I would have no hesitation in recommending the
public system.

All this amazing care and treatment cost me next to
nothing.  We do of course pay for
Medicare through our taxes, but other than that all I had to pay for were a few
medications needed during chemo amounting to probably $200 or so and for my
tamoxifen, about $30 a month.

When I had my surgery I opted for a lumpectomy. I was left
with a couple of small scars and a right breast slightly smaller than my left.
I did at one point consult a surgeon in the public system about having the left
one reduced a little to match but in the end opted not to proceed with that as
the difference is quite small and I didn't think it was worth the trauma of another surgery. There was no mention of this costing anything had
I gone head.

What I’m wondering, after watching  Four Corners last night and seeing that poor
women who lost her house deposit to out-of-pocket expenses in the private
system, is if I had of gone down the mastectomy and reconstruction track at the
outset, within the public system, would it have all still been free?

Is there anyone who has done this? Had a mastectomy and
reconstruction totally within the public system. Did it cost you anything?


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    @Jandy232 might be worth asking in the choosing recon group

  • JoeyLiz
    JoeyLiz Member Posts: 339
    I was sent to see a plastic surgeon in the public system in case the chemo didn’t work and I needed a mastectomy and reconstruction and I asked how much it was and the reply was “the cost of some new pretty bras”. It would have been totally cost free. Luckily Chemo worked and a lumpectomy was all I needed but I have a follow up appointment in Case I want any touch ups to make them match, again that will be free.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @Jandy232, I had a single skin and nipple sparing mastectomy with immediate recon using a silicone implant - that was 23 months that ago - through the public system in NSW. Cost me my appointment fees with my oncoplastic surgeon who did the whole lot. I was left with uneven breasts because of one being fake and one being real. My surgeon told me that a new protocol had been implemented and that any further reconstruction (which evening up the breasts is still considered as due to the initial breast cancer diagnosis)would have to be around the two year mark. I was scheduled to have a breast reduction (real breast) and fat grafting (from stomach to around implant - to get rid of dents from implant softening and dropping) but had lost some excess weight and ended up having two breast lifts instead - this was 12days ago. Again all through the public system. My surgeon (who also works for breast screen) asked whether I was going to continue losing weight and I said yes another 7kgs is the plan - and she has said that we can still use the fat grafting then. The fat grafting is the only thing I would have to pay for and at this stage it would have been $1000 per breast. I don't know about I the future as I have been very spoilt with my surgeon and she works out of two public hospitals but sent me to one in particular as she dictates which surgery she will do there, the other they dictate to her. She is an absolute perfectionist and anytime I can refer anybody to her I do - I do not know if she has had somebody very close to her affected by breast cancer but she certainly gets how much it can effect our lives. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I had bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction thtough tbe public system snd on waiting list for nipple reconstruction. my breast surgeon did tbe reconstruction and I too have referred quite a few people who have opted to see him privately given my results..
  • Lisa1407
    Lisa1407 Member Posts: 258
    Mastectomy and reconstruction is totally free in a public hospital. It is the waiting list that gets you though. If you have the reconstruction at the time of mastectomy there isn't much of a waiting list. However, there are often reasons why you can't have them both at the same time. Depending on your reconstruction method, you wait could be up to a couple of years (or longer) in this case.

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    Yes, we have many members in the choosing breast reconstruction group who have gone through the public system. Reconstruction is part of breast cancer treatment and as such is free in the public system. The only thing is depending where you live and the type of cancer treatment needed you may not be able to have an immediate reconstruction and once it becomes delayed there may be a wait time. This is different from state to state and region to region. BCNA are advocating in regards to these wait times at the moment. 
  • Jandy232
    Jandy232 Member Posts: 15
    Thanks ladies. I appreciate your replies.