
Member Posts: 128 ✭
Hi everyone, I’ve just had my first session of AC (last Wednesday) and the nausea has been pretty intense. Have had the four days of dexamethasone and maxalon but not a lot of relief as yet. Does the nausea last until my next treatment or does it ease off? Has anyone found relief from ginger ale or anything else not medicinal? Thanks for any suggestions.
Hi @duxx1234 I had TAC chemo and had terrible nausea. It's aweful. It passed after about 10 days then I slowly felt more like myself for the rest of the cycle. I took maxalon and ondansatron but the only thing that helped was extended dexamethasone. Teas, ginger, etc. didn't touch it. I hated the dex and gained 12kg but it was a necessary evil. The first cycle was by far my worst. It's such a big shock to the body. The fatigue got bad towards the end but everything else improved each time. Other ladies have commented about different things that helped them with nausea and appetite. I'm sure some will jump in and comment. Soda water, juices, cordials were easier for me to tollerate than water. Staying well hydrated is paramount to controlling nausea. Hope you get some relief soon xxx1
I needed to switch to stemitil 8 hourly. Dex for 4 days and I also religiously had ondasetron wafers half hour before meals. I used to suck a sugarless mint with those so I wouldn't gag. I felt queazy for the week which improved when I ate. It only lasted a week each round of AC for me. You can see your GP for help on this if can't see incologist before next round.1
I found the metoclomipramude helped me as top ups to the dex ?1
Hi there @duxx1234 I had 4 rounds of AC took dex for a couple days and ondansetron tablets rather than the wafers which worked well. I also found the sparkling mt Franklin flavoured water helped too as it made me burp heaps and that helped me feel less crook but the nausea was only bad for me for the first round for a couple days as I had food poisoning the day before I started and i think it was more that to be honest. Mine was more loss of appetite and I actually lost 10kg during my treatment. I had bad reflux with taxol and that made me feel a bit yuck too but took nexium and ranitidine and the ondansetron and that fixed it then had The fatigue and joint pain more with that one. If it’s that bad you can always go to the hospital to get some treatment from them too. Be careful you don’t dehydrate as you don’t feel like eating or drinking. If that’s the case they can give you some fluids and some anti nausea meds through an IV and that will work well for you too. Hang in there love. Margie. Xx
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Hi @duxx1234 . Definitely ask for the ondansetron tablets. Maxalon is useless against the red devil. I had nausea for about three days on the first couple of rounds but it lasted longer on the last two. Thank goodness for the ondans. I also used a whole lot of ginger tablets/travel calm. They worked well for me but didn't last a long time. Fruit tingles are good for that awful bland taste in your mouth.1
Ativan helped me. It’s addictive so I took it for seven nights then stopped them each cycle.0
Hi @duxx1234, I've been wondering how you are getting on. Definitely ring through to the rooms and get a script for ondansetron (zofran) I found the wafers great. They worked really quickly. I also took maxalon regularly three times a day during that first week. Staying on top of the nausea before it hit. I did find the first cycle the worst for nausea. I found it settled considerably and was better after the first week.
I did lots of ginger ( God help me now if I even look at it!). Hot water, lemon, Manuka honey and fresh ginger every morning first up.
Ginger chews, fresh ginger in food, ginger tea. ( this is making me feel yuck just thinking about it- great, ginger now added to my list of phobias!)
And rest, don't over do things. I ate if I felt like it, walked if I felt like it, blobbed on the sofa if I felt like it. I woul basically write off the first week, try and do a little more week two and week three get out of the house, see friends, cook and freeze meals go for walks.
Take care Lovely. Bec xx1 -
Thanks so much Bec. I have started on the Ondansetron and so far so good! Had a much better day today! Got my hair cut really short in readiness for the big moult! I realised last week that there is no fighting it! Just let it be and knowing that it does get better helps enormously! Maree Colosimo has been looking after me while Po has been on holidays! One down! Thanks for your encouragement!
You take care too! x Maureen2 -
Yay! So pleased to hear you are a bit better today @duxx1234. Very smart to cut your hair. It leaves such a mess everywhere when falls out. I must say when I found the odd hair attached to clothes I'd worn when I had hair, made me feel a little sad. But you know I was glad to not be bothering with my long locks when I was sick.
Oh lovely Maree will take good care of you. I have such enormous respect for her. Will be weird when I go back to work to see her around in my normal working day!
Keep your chin up! Xx1 -
Between day 14 to 17 for the moult. Grt your self a little cap in readiness. I started wearing one when prepping food as its better than eating it. My hairdresser clipped mine as it was less stressful. But little bits grow back and keep falling out between cycles so I always capped when cooking and sleeping.
If you google chemo hats the sites come up. Hathouse and hatshow were great. One has like a starter kit...sleep cap, wig liner, fan band (to help hold a normal hat or scarf) and I think you choose another one of your choice. ( A tip sand volour is skin colour...and so you just look bald). Haha. The bamboo ones are fantastic but a little expensive.
I never wore a wig but my bamboo wig liner I wore under wooly caps in winter to stop the itch and drafts if the big open crochet sort.1 -
I did wear a wig and was very happy with it but I also wore a sleep cap at night. It protected my scalp which was a little sensitive at first. And it stopped getting little hairs (number 4 clippers when my hair started to fall) all over the bed! Took it off in the morning and shook it out over the bathroom sink! The things you do........1