What now

Crusty Member Posts: 28
Hi, i just joined this website but I'm new to this whole thing and still in shock.all I've been told so far is sorry its bad news you've got cancer . That was a week ago so the anxiety is starting to take over. i did have symptoms my breast swelled up overnight and started leaking the doctor and i just thought it was an infection but the biopsy came back positive for cancer. I am married with 5 children, we haven't discussed it with them yet as still waiting for next appointment in a couple of weeks, i don't really have any other family or friends so my support is little only my husband really. Im trying so hard not to think about it and keep in routine with my 3 yr old. Anyway I'll keep looking at other blogs so i can know a little about whats gonna happen.


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Welcome, sorry you have to join us but welcome nevertheless. Waiting is always nerve wracking! But most people find knowing precisely what they have and the treatment recommended actually helps - you have something to focus on. It also helps in what to tell people. I woke up one morning with a slightly sore, slightly swollen breast too. But so wise of you to get it attended to and not wait. By all means chat to people here, there's a wealth of experience and knowledge. But nearly everyone has a different pathology, different treatment, cancer is hugely variable so be prepared that things may be different. Take one step at a time. That's the way you can all adjust to a new reality and treatment. And always remember, many of us get through this and get on with our lives! Best wishes.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hello @Crusty
    Welcome to this band of great ladies who will be here to support you any time of the day or night.  So sorry you had to join, it is not a club any of us thought we'd be involved with.
    Firstly, take a deep breath.  Have you been in touch with BCNA to get the My Journey Kit which is available to you ?  You will find heaps in that - but take care to only read the parts as they are applicable to you, try not to read too much and too far ahead as it my not even apply to you.
    Good to wait for more answers before telling anyone, especially your children.  Then, once you know more you can keep it simple - again, BCNA has resources available to help you with that.
    Who will you be seeing in a couple of weeks and can you get an earlier appointment ? The mind is a powerful thing so try to keep busy and not second-guess anything.
    There is a group on here for Young Women so perhaps you could join that as well as you can then chat in a more private way.
    Feel free to come on-line at any time and good luck - you will be in our thoughts.  Remember to be kind to yourself, too.
    Summer  :)

  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Hi @Crusty it's an awful time waiting for that first appointment. First of all, know that the odds are in your favour. Many, many of us here are survivors - cancer free! Once you see your specialist you can begin a treatment plan, which will help you feel more in control of things. You won't know what treatments will be recommended for you until then, so don't speculate or jump too far ahead on that one. In the mean time keep busy, by all means, but know that it's okay to be scared and cry too. Please pop on here and ask any questions you have. There's a wealth of knowledge and experience, kindness and understanding. Let us know how you go xxxoo
  • Crusty
    Crusty Member Posts: 28
    Thanks ladies 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Welcome to the site 

    Have you had your first appointment with a breast surgeon yet? Those are normally pretty quick and at least you know what's happening next. 

    Here is the link to order your My journey kit.


    Also the hospital you ate referred to should have a breast care nurse attached to the unit. If you ring the outpatients area they may be able to put you in touch and you can get some local support quickly. 

    The cancer council also have a support service and social workers who nay be able to navigate the help that would be available for you. 


    Kath x
  • Crusty
    Crusty Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2017
    No @primek i haven't had any other appointments or given any other information, literally just left on my own,my husband rang the hospital and i have an appointment with the specialist next thursday.thats all im in queensland 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,805
    @Crusty as @primek has suggested click on the link and order the My Journey Kit - it has a wealth of information, some of it will relate straight away and some of it is for as time goes on and you settle into diagnosis and treatment plan.  My advice is keep away from Dr Google as it will do your head in.  Use this site to your advantage, both the website and forum will give you oodles of information.  Here's one of many links of useful info on the BCNA website 

    Take care 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I'm so glad its next week and not a couple of weeks.

    Okay. ..so make sure you have someone with you for appointments as between both of you you'll remember more (pick someone calm). 
    Write down things you want to know. Often they give you lots of info on the first appointment but you might have something specific to ask.

    Get copies of all your pathology results and scans as you get results. You'll refer to them at some stage. Particularly after surgery.

    I bought one of those fold out abc folders to keep everything in one spot.

    Order the my journey kit as above. It will walk you through all the tests etc and treatment options. Fantastic tool. It even has a little book for appts etc. I bought a diary though just for breast cancer appointments as I didn't have the kit to start with. A diary for this year is tricky so a book will do for now. 

    Be prepared for lots of tests to start with and don't be alarmed by it. They like to go into surgery with no surprises if they can. 

    Things you can plan now.
    You can do some meals ahead and freeze. Slow cooker pre prepared meal ingredients  are a good option (just chuck in and switch on )
    Start thinking about who could provide you with support once you know more. Friends might surprise you. Sometimes schools, childcare centres could provide extra time if needed. 

    Once you know your plan we can help with the next steps. Best not to overwhelm you yet. Kath x
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    So glad you found your way to this forum as this is what we are all about, helping each other. Don't panic, your cancer should be entirely treatable although it seems like ages to finish with treatments. Hugz <3
  • Marianne_BCNA
    Marianne_BCNA Member Posts: 245
    Hi @crusty, looks like you are getting some great support and ideas here from our fabulous members but just letting you know that we have nurses on our helpline who can provide support if you would like to speak to a health professional or get some help with preparing for your appointment, accessing resources etc. They are even available until 9pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays (so you can call once you have the kids in bed). Our number is 1800 500 258.
    Wishing you all the best