Side effects from first TCH treatment and what to expect for the next 5

Jual Member Posts: 21
Hi all,

I was diagnosed with a HER2 positive tumour (but hormone receptor negative) just over 2 weeks ago and involvement of one axillary lymph node as well.Doing chemo first then surgery.  I am 54 and was working full time (fortunately in a well paid job with a supportive employer and lots of sick leave owing etc). I had my port inserted last week and commenced chemo the day after. The first chemo was docetaxol and carboplatin (next time they add the Herceptin) and due to have this every 3 weeks for 6 rounds all up. Had steroids 8 mg dexamethasone day before, of and after. 

I stil have hair but cut it short (and I really like it!) but am fully expecting to lose it next week. Taken 6 months off work. 

Had a allergic reaction to the docetaxol but well spotted by nurses  and managed with phenergan and steroids (made me very sleepy for 24 hours) and then was able to resume at half speed and go through it 
Side effects: no nause or vomiting, tired for a few days, skin felt odd, flu like symptoms on day 4 (aches, pains, prickling all over), felt disconnected until day 5 and had difficulty with my thinking, no constipation (lots of Movicol), altered taste, sore mouth (managed with salt and bicarbonate rinses then biogene wash etc), sore neck and shoulders. All pretty much resolved on day 5 but that night the diarrhoea started for 24 hours with abdo pain. Got this under control with Imodium and Gastrolyte and bland diet within the day but didn't manage the bottom too well and ended up with a sore and now itchy bottom especially at night (getting better with salty baths and zinc oxide cream). Also have a rash (mini blisters in spots but not sore just itchy) above my portacath, on my shoulder on that side  and neck, that hasn't resolved yet (but portacath still has steri strips on it). 
I have been felling  pretty normal from about day 5-7. 
Anyway a couple of queries from anyone else who has had a similar regime or like. 
1. Do I expect  similar each time or do these side effects get worse each time?
2. Am exercising by walking and planning to do yoga but have been very fit previously - has anyone worked out with weights and was this an issue with the portacath (obviously will need to be sensible)?

Thanks in advance and many of the posts here have been so helpful, thanks for the great community support. 


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    The allergy thing improves but I needed higher steroids until halfway through due to allergy. My taxol was weekly. 

    I found I became more fatigued as time went on and got more leg pain with each cycle. That flu like pain in neck etc I had every cycle. My gut got worse too. I had to stop eating acid fruit and veg, very hot/spicy  food as it burned. Gave up it burned. And had regular zantac as well as nexium. At least having it 3 weekly gives you a break but perhaps worse issues. I couldn't eat or drink any of those things for about 3 to 6 months and I now cannot tolerate much dairy either. 

    I still have my port in 8 months after herceptin. I'm doing lightish weights,  yoga and swimming and have minimal issues. I occasionally feel sore at collarbone after aquafit...think I might hunch my shoulders a bit when they ache in the class or after. Occasionally it is sore in bed if it gets squashed on my side, hugging a little pillow stops the fold in. I actually have a fluffy wool based sheep toy  my husband bought me which is perfect.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I had A/C then taxol weekly with herceptin. The phenergan invariably knocked me asleep almost but only usually for an hour or so. My main side effect was neuropathy, particularly in my feet. I had no nausea or stomach problems but lost my taste buds (they came back pretty fast after I finished taxol). No fatigue. My neuropathy got worse as treatments went on. But everything else was about the same. I worked through, and my feet never got too bad. I seem to have been pretty symptom free on herceptin, so once taxol was over I felt pretty good! My hair started growing back too before I finished taxol, which was a really nice surprise! Everyone's experiences are somewhat different, it's heartening to know that your own experinces are "normal" but it's really hard to anticipate what will happen. Take each treatment as it comes, do what you need and don't make too many comparisons. Each treatment is one less to face and one step nearer no more treatment. Exercise and fresh air is good medicine for lots of things. Best wishes. 
  • Jual
    Jual Member Posts: 21
    Thanks to you both, you can probably tell I am a bit of a planner as a coping strategy and think I am daunted by doing this over and over again but as everyone has said it is doable!! Appreciate the advice and being careful of comparisons but it is hard not to! :smiley: