
RL Member Posts: 5
Hi. I've recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I've already had a lumpectomy and removal of lymph nodes, followed by a second surgery. Waiting on results and chemo to begin. My mind is spinning, I've got a million questions, which I'm hoping to find the answers to here


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Ask away! Sorry you find yourself here, it's always a huge shock but there are many experiences you can tap into on this site. Everyone's diagnosis is a bit different, what you can expect in terms of treatment varies and how you react to treatment can vary a lot too. But we all understand the stages of coming to terms with this beast, and someone will know just how you feel. So ask anything you like. Sometimes it's the questions we feel a bit sheepish about that really need to be answered soon. No-one pretends chemo isn't daunting, but some find it easier than others, it's hard to know until you start. But most of us got through it, and some like me, were sufficiently well to work through. It's also finite, it will end. When you are starting, it seems like you will be doing this for ever. But the half way point is sometimes quicker than you imagine, and then you are on the home run! Best wishes. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Welcome...yes those first few weeks are mind blowing abd the lack of sleep doesn't help. Ask away. Kath x
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    I just wrote responded to another newby and have now just read your post - heading is “my journey begins”. Any way have a read and ditto to you too lovely. Come on here anytime and ask whatever you need we are a supportive group and there’s always someone to chat to. Biggest hug. Margie.   Xxxx
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Welcome @RL  and ask away.
    if you look at the discussions in the right hand menu, you will find a lot dealing with chemo and other treatments you may be facing, that will help you in the lead up.
    I too went through lumpectomy and sentinel node removal but also had to have a mastectomy after pathology results came back with more advanced cancer.
    I am now, just today, finished my last radiation, having also done chemo.

    Hope we can smooth the way a little for you just a little.
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Welcome and ask away - we are all here to share our wisdom and experiences and if anything we say can help along the way, all the better. It's a whirlwind when you start out...but you'll soon get your head around it and you will become empowered agin in the 'new normal'. Thinking of you xx
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Glad you've found us since starting your bc journey. I have found it immensely helpful and comforting to know I'm not alone. Ask as many questions as you like, there are no silly ones and we like to help if we can. There's many and varied experiences and people here to support. Waiting on results is awful, but once you have them you'll know what you're dealing with and will be able to put a treatment plan in place. You'll feel more in control once you can start making choices and begin your treatment. Xxxooo
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Hi you have found the right site the people are very great at supporting you and any questions. There is no judgement ,all know how you feel we are all different and will have different experience s but we are all in this together am hear to help , listen in any way I can. Take care of you Shazx
  • RL
    RL Member Posts: 5
    Cording! Any hints and tips on how to improve this myself at home? 
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Hi @RL just keep doing the post op physio exercises a few times each day. My cording eventually eased this way. It came back during radiotherapy, but that's another story. If it's really bad or not improving you may need to see a specialist to get it lasered. Just a tip, for new questions add a new post with a new clear heading and you'll get more responses as women browse through.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @RL a physio that specialises in breast and lymphodema can review the cording, offer exercise advise and possible laser therapy if needed which can break up the scar tissue. It made a huge difference to my arm.