Newly Diagnosed



  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hi @Shann

    I think it's just a coincidence to be honest. Have you see the GP and got antibiotics? 
  • shann
    shann Member Posts: 68
    Hi @melclarity
    Hope so, I am unable to take most antibiotics as I react to them.  I am anaphylactic to most of them which is a bugger.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hi @ShazS I had 16 rounds LHS radiotherapy in May - worst thing at the time was constant travel and trying to find a park.Aboutweek after it ended was enveloped in tiredness and needed some naps. I creamed up 3 times a day for 3 months with Dermaveen - my skin is very fair and was surprised it held up well. In July went to Cairns however and felt I needed to be careful with UV so wore a LS rashie and did not do all day trips to the reef/ Fitzroy island. Other than the mess creaming up made to my tops/ bras was all ok.Visits were quick once I was positioned correctly , staff were great - longest appointment was the planning at the start.
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Hi @Romla, How are you going ? Thanks for all the tips ect . Will keep all in mind when I start radiotherapy . Shaz
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hi @ShazS forgot had weekly meetings with radiotherapy oncologist and breast care nurse to monitor my progress and answer any questions I had. At my centre appointment times varied from day to day to ensure everyone had a. chance to avoid peak hour.They should give you heaps of reading material to read at home about treatment. All the best xo PS Am doing ok
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Hi@Romla, Glad your doing okay. Thanks again for the information gives me heads up. Take care of you .
  • shann
    shann Member Posts: 68
    Hi all
    Went to see the surgeon on 21st and we have decided to do a lumpectomy as I would be unable to have reconstructive surgery latter down the track.  But on a positive note he is going to give me a breast reduction to both breasts so all in all not a bad outcome as I have always wanted a breast reduction just unable to afford one.  As for what treatment to follow still not sure as we don't know what sort of cancer it is or how aggressive it is until he goes in.  He will also remove some lymph nodes at the same time for testing.
    Surgery is on the 3rd of October, so not a long time to prepare but I think everything is in place specially with my daughter and school.
  • Caseypinto
    Caseypinto Member Posts: 258
    Hi @shann sounds like a great plan of action. Good luck with your surgery. Xx
  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    All the best Shann with the surgery and preparation for it.  Great to have some steps in place. Hugs
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Sounds like a good plan. 
  • sandramj
    sandramj Member Posts: 253
    @shan I had the core biopsy earlier this year and had lumpectomy and surgeon took 3 or so lymph nodes.  Surgery 1/4/17 and results after surgery were 12mm Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and one lymph node had 1.1mm tumour and another changing cells.  Saw oncologists after many tests before surgery and after and we decided on 6 weeks radiation and then hormone therapy as my cancer was Oestrogen & progesterone positive and HER2 negative. I stated on hormone therapy next day after radiation ceased.  Its great you are able to have the breast reduction at the sale time (sort of a bonus) and I have been well and go back to oncologist and breast surgeon early October for hopefully a positive result.  From my journey so far Id suggest you get involved with a support group (this online forum is fantastic) but also someone to talk to is a great help and a group to go to to feel part of is so helpful - you are NOT alone.  If not already doing it google cancer guided meditations/relaxations as these really helped me relax.  Meantime do whatever it is that makes you feel good, any time you can.  At least you have a week to so to plan and get ready physically and emotionally - You may want to get the special bras although the public system does supply a pair - but Target sell the nice post-surgery ones for $15-20.   BCNA also send one pair to clients if you ask.  Berlei sell them but they are expensive.  another thing you might try as I wish Id been aware of before hand was getting some Fauldings Essentials Vitamin E cream and rubbing into your breast and nurture your breasts before surgery.  This was the cream prescribed by radiation oncology team for healing after and if id know beforehand.  It can also help us bond with the breast and the cancer (if suits you). Meanwhile take yourself off for a manicure, massage, hairdo etc ready for surgery - do whatever you need/want to to look after you.  Hugs and sending angels of peace, courage, strength, love and healing. :-  <3

  • sandramj
    sandramj Member Posts: 253
  • shann
    shann Member Posts: 68
    Thank you @sandramj for your kind words.  I have been taking on board everyones advice and finding it very valuable.  We do not live that far away from you (if I think it's right place)  I am in Nerang.  Your kind words are very much appreciated.
  • sandramj
    sandramj Member Posts: 253
    @shan I'm at Worongary. My daughter-in-law is an admission nurse at Robina. She admits lots of breast cancer patients. I'm happy to give you my mobile number or email if you'd like. The Cancer Support Sisters are awesome locally. Check em out on Facebook. They have a couple of meetings and a BBQ coming up for us and our family/friends. Could take you & daughter if interested. It's a shock initially and I felt so alone. We are here. You are not alone.
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there Shann. Rest assured you have all of us here to chat to whenever you need too. I remember the night of my second mastectomy I was a bit bent on the meds but wide awake and I was on this forum and chatting away to some lovely lady so it was awesome. There's always someone around. It sounds like you're fierecely independent and are doing all your appointments on your own but if you ever need to chat you can PM me I live north side of brissy so not that far from you but there would also be a support group in your area too. Have you found out about the look good feel better program ?  There would definately be one on the goldy. Once you get yourself sorted take yourself along to that. It's awesome too. Theres also the my journey kit which you can get sent out it has heaps of useful stuff in it too. Hope this helps rest assured there's a light at the end of the tunnel. You don't have to do it on your own and it's ok to ask for help and support remember that. And don't beat yourself up after your surgery and put too much pressure on yourself to do everything. From my experience if people offer to help they actually want too and those who don't .... don't. I have a friend for more than 30 years that I rang to tell her about my breast cancer and I have never heard from her since. Not even a lousy text to ask how the fuck I was and then on the other hand I had people who I never thought would step up and did. I am also blessed with two awesome kids and a gorgeous husband who have been with me the whole way. Margie ❤️