Second time around



  • Pink
    Pink Member Posts: 29
    Appreciating all information and comments. Thanks ladies
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    Hi there. 
    I had a recurrence in same Breast. I had had previous lumpectomy, chemo and rads. I neeeded a mastectomy and I could not have an implant reconstruction due to radiation damage to my skin. Both my diagnosis were very aggressive and both very soon after clear mammograms. My breast did not image well. I wanted a tissue transfer surgery using my abdomen. You can only do that once. It was a bit of a no brainer for me for both those reasons. Breasts not imaging well and also wanting the tissue transfer from my tummy. We are as you can see all different. I guess you need to seek professional guidance and do some more research. Then it's a matter of the lists of pros and cons. Unfortunately we don't all get a crystal ball (if only). Whatever you decide will. Be your decision and you will feel better once you reach it. 
    Hugs to you. 
    Paula xxx
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I had single mastectomy with no reconstruction. If the other breast were to get cancer I would have it off as well. Then I could go around the house topless all summer! :D
  • lgray3911
    lgray3911 Member Posts: 207
    Hi pink I was diagnosed in early Feb and I opted for double mastectomy and have no regrets. I'm only 38 and have 2 small boys so wanted to eliminate a chance of recurrence as much as I could. I know there are no guarantees but I couldn't handle the stress of wondering and waiting for it to happen to the other breast and couldn't handle the stress everytime before a mammogram if I left the other breast. They were my reasons and I am so happy I did make that decision for me. I finished my chemo this week and start radiation in a couple of weeks. Reconstruction for me will have to be expanders and implants because I don't have enough excess flesh but not going to worry about that untill next year when my body has recovered x
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there it's definately a very personal decision I was diagnosed may 2016 left boob grade 3 stage 2a no lymph nodes involved and scans clear. I was given the choice of lumpectomy chemo and radiation or mastectomy and chemo( 8 rounds) I opted for the latter as I didn't want chemo and radiation. Then 6 months later I took the other one off as a preventative measure. I was told too it's not necessary but no one could tell me for sure that I wouldn't get it in the other side. And I've read about enough women who this has happened too and my gut instinct and after long discussion with hubby I decided this was best for me and I don't regret it. Just waiting for my recon which I'll talk about in the bc recon forum as I have a few questions. Everyone is different and like I said this was the decision I made. It makes me feel better as I know there's always a small chance of recurrence occurring elsewhere but at least I've reduced the risk somewhat. I also was not keen on always having to have bloody mammograms. Good luck with it you will know what's right for you. Margie
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    I had triple negative bc too by the way 
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi Pink, I had a lumpectomy, full node clearance and radiation back in 2003. 7 yrs later cancer came back in the same breast, same spot.In my case, there was an 8% chance of recurrence- unlucky me ay. I had no choice but to have a mastectomy. I couldn't have recon with implants because of previous radiation. I suspect that 8% chance of recurrence is higher because I know too many women like me. These decisions are so difficult and personal. Keep researching and asking questions and hopefully an answer will come to you that feels right. xx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hey @TonyaM seems we were very similar. So did you have a single or double mastectomy at recurrence? How have you been since? as you're about 5yrs ahead of me. I had a recurrence in 2015, so 2yrs all good after my mastectomy, mind you pathology was perfect uuugh. Melinda xo
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi Melinda, yes we are similar.My recurrence was 7 years ago.I had to have a left mastectomy and didn't really think about recon at the time- just wanted the cancer gone asap.I wear a prosthesis and am used to it now but get a bit fed up being lopsided.I think about the DIEP recon but it's huge surgery and I'm undecided whether to have the other breast off as well. So I just stay put for now. I took Tamoxifen for 4 years and,touch wood,I've been cancer free for last 7 years.I was eostrogen +ve and hercept -ve.Hopefully we'll both be ok despite a recurrence. xx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Tonya thats awesome news! Im like you in that going to stay put, i have no intention of having my right off unless necessary and its not for my diagnosis. 

    The Diep is a big op but im really happy with it to be honest and now with the right breast lift they look great. 

    My mum had left breast mastectomy at 40 and was 26yrs free.  Ill be happy to get that lol. 

    Heres to good health! Xx M 
  • Pink
    Pink Member Posts: 29
    Thank you ladies, just have a bit of wifi at moment as we hopped on a cruise to Papua New Guinea to get away from the whole cancer thing while I have a couple of weeks to make a decision. Look forward to searching more info when I get back home
  • Pink
    Pink Member Posts: 29
    Just got back from a holiday and have no clearer vision of which way to go. Does anyone know a good surgeon in Brisbane who does both mastectomy and reconstruction at same time. Is it wise to get a second opinion or stick with surgeon I was happy with but my gut feeling is he thinks radiation and tamoxifen will do the trick and mastectomy is a bit over the top. The thing is, he is not inside my head
  • Pink
    Pink Member Posts: 29
    Are the risk factors the same for a reoccurrence regarding my last post
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there pink I live north side brissy and I saw dr alys saylor who is in fortitude valley the other week. She works privately and publically from the RBWH. She was awesome and i am still on the public waiting list but it was worth the $150 to see her and get her opinion. She also works with a surgeon called dr Matthew peters both are highly recommended. I'll PM you as well about it. Margie ❤️
  • Pink
    Pink Member Posts: 29
    Thanks for that Margie, I know you can't keep shopping around but at least a second opinion would be good I think. Cheryl