Newly diagnosed

Hi there, I'm 39 years old & I've recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I had breast surgery last week. I had an 8mm lump removed along with the sentinel node. The pathology reports showed that the cancer was triple negative. My first Oncologist appointment is on 22 April. I have been told by my breast surgeon that I will have to undergo 5 months of chemo followed by radiotherapy. I have heard that some people do lose their hair and others don't. Will the chemo treatment I receive because it is a triple negative be different to other types of cancers and if so does that generally mean that losing my hair is pretty much guaranteed? Thanks in advance
Hi justpeachy, I was also a triple negative breast cancer patient. Finished all treatments, surgery, chemo. and radio. in April last year, 2013. I did 6 rounds of chemo. and 30 sessions of radio. I would imagine your chemo. being a triple negative, you will first have the FEC chemo 3 rounds approx. and also maybe another 3 rounds of Docetaxel. Your circumstance may be a little different, quite a few of the TNBC patients have those drugs and yes most likely you will lose your hair. So Be Prepared. Get a wig, scarves, whatever head gear you like, and wear them all proudly. You will have lots of different side effects from both drugs, you will be told by your chemo. nurse, what to expect. Don't be too horrified you will get through it all. I know it is all new to you right now, and probably feeling a bit overwhelmed by what has just happened in your life, but you will be strong and get through it all. And you will find you come out of it even stronger. It is all an emotional time, that is normal, let the tears flow, don't be afraid to cry. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
My hair started coming back about a month or so after my last chemo. but now i love my short hair. It used to be shoulder length. I am older than you by 20 years but when your hair does come back enjoy having the short hair, you might like it, easier to manage.
Good luck with all your treatments and keep reading posts on this site as you will find a lot of support on it. It is like a daily diary.
Take care
Debbie x
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Hi justpeachy,
I was diagnosed with triple neg in Feb 2008, had the surgery, 6 cycles of chem and then the radio tx. I image that you'll have similar chemo to me and debbie at varsity, and yes, I expect that you'll lose your hair. Strangely, I found it easier to be bald than to wear a wig, you may prefer a wig...hard to know until you get there.
Chemo is hard work, but for triple negs it's the best course of action. You will get through it though, but remember to be kind to yourself. Some days you may need to cry and some days you will laugh your head off with friends just like nothing is wrong.
Take one day at a time and you'll get there. :-)
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Hi Justpeachy,
So sorry you have had to join us, but you will find this site is a source of comfort and support as you go through your treatment. Try not to Google too much, as there is a lot of misinformation out there on TNBC which can be scary.
I also had surgery, chemo and rads in 2012 and it is now my 2 year anniversary and I am feeling strong and healthy. Just take one step at a time and you will get through this. Hair loss depends a lot on your chemo plan - I didn't ever lose all my hair, it just thinned a lot and I finally cut it short and bought a wig and lots of scarves. I would recommend a synthetic wig, as they keep their style through all the shampoos, whereas you have to keep having real hair re-styled all the time. (You can't tell the difference unless you are an expert!) Even salesgirls asked for my hairdresser. Do you have a Starkles where you live? There is a rebate of about $80 from memory.
You don't say what Stage and Grade your pathology results showed - it is a really good idea to get a copy of all reports and keep them in a file at home, along with all medical accounts, receipts, etc. It sounds as though you were caught very early, which is good news. Stay in touch and let us know how you are going. Michelle x
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Hi Debbie,
How are you going? You sound fabulous. Hope you are well. Paula xxx0 -
Hi there, have been thinking of you lately, your daughter must be married by now. Your new photo looks fabulous. I have lots of news too much to put on this blog. I uploaded a new photo of myself yesterday on my profile on this site but it has not yet come thru:( hence my old one with scarf on is still on profile. I will send you an email to your personal email address. Hope all is well with you also. Debbie xx
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Thank you for your kind messages Debbie, Sian & Michelle. I appreciate you taking the time to reply.
I am taking everything one step at a time. I have had some good days and some not so good. I'm sure that will continue throughout my treatment. I am very lucky that I have supportive family & friends and that I have discovered this online support network. It is very helpful hearing stories from people who have been there.
I'm a little nervous about losing my hair as it is very long but I know I'll get through it. I went out at the weekend and tried on wigs with my daughter. I'm sure I'll love having short hair after the initial shock.
Thank you for your suggestion Michelle. Yes I have kept copies of my pathology report (the tumour was a grade 3), all my medical receipts etc.
My first meeting with the Oncologist is on 22 April. I'm not sure how quickly I will start chemo after seeing her?
I will keep in touch & let you know how I'm going.
Thanks again for taking the time to drop me a line.
Nicola x
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Thank you for your kind messages Debbie, Sian & Michelle. I appreciate you taking the time to reply.
I am taking everything one step at a time. I have had some good days and some not so good. I'm sure that will continue throughout my treatment. I am very lucky that I have supportive family & friends and that I have discovered this online support network. It is very helpful hearing stories from people who have been there.
I'm a little nervous about losing my hair as it is very long but I know I'll get through it. I went out at the weekend and tried on wigs with my daughter. I'm sure I'll love having short hair after the initial shock.
Thank you for your suggestion Michelle. Yes I have kept copies of my pathology report (the tumour was a grade 3), all my medical receipts etc.
My first meeting with the Oncologist is on 22 April. I'm not sure how quickly I will start chemo after seeing her?
I will keep in touch & let you know how I'm going.
Thanks again for taking the time to drop me a line.
Nicola x
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Hi Theresa,
Thank you for your kind message and for being so open about your treatment.
You are half way there! That is awesome :-)
I am becoming more used to the idea of losing my hair. I think a combo of scarves, hats & a wig may be the way to go.
I saw my breast surgeon yesterday and had my breast drained as I was in a lot of pain. Feeling a lot better today!
Thank you again for taking the time to write to me. I will definitely keep you up to date with my progress. Good luck with your 4th chemo today. Keeping you in my thoughts.
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Hi girls
I have been to my cancer support group this morning and we had a wonderful lady there from the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane. She is a volunteer and also and ex cancer patient from 27 yrs ago. she runs The Choices Program at the hospital. They have all sorts of free programs from Exercise and rehabilitation, pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi, and heaps more. All these programs are free. They have a calendar of what programs run when if you want to go to any of these , it is all designed to help cancer patients. And this lady who spoke to us this morning was also a Triple Negative Breast Cancer patient, or what she called it which sounded much better Receptor Free. And is looking great, 27 years on and she was diagnosed at the age of 32 with young children. So keep that in mind. She is another inspirational person who does volunteer counselling for breast cancer and gyno. patients.
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Hi girls
I have been to my cancer support group this morning and we had a wonderful lady there from the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane. She is a volunteer and also and ex cancer patient from 27 yrs ago. she runs The Choices Program at the hospital. They have all sorts of free programs from Exercise and rehabilitation, pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi, and heaps more. All these programs are free. They have a calendar of what programs run when if you want to go to any of these , it is all designed to help cancer patients. And this lady who spoke to us this morning was also a Triple Negative Breast Cancer patient, or what she called it which sounded much better Receptor Free. And is looking great, 27 years on and she was diagnosed at the age of 32 with young children. So keep that in mind. She is another inspirational person who does volunteer counselling for breast cancer and gyno. patients.
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Great post - it is always so good to hear success stories, especially for us with TNBC. Could I ask where your Support Group is? You mention a guest from Brisbane and she sounded inspirational. Thanks. Michelle x
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The support group I go to is down here on the Gold Coast, it is called The Sunshine Sisters. We meet at the Kirra Community Hall once a month. I am nearly one year on from all treatments. Others are further along, but we all still go to support each other. We have a big group of ladies all ages, no discrimination with ages. We have guest speakers most months, as I said this lady is from the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane and came down to speak in our group.
Not sure where you are Michelle?
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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me Bel. I really appreciate it. I am taking some time off this weekend with my family. We are heading to the country for 5 days. It'll be nice to get away & switch off for a while before I head back on Tuesday for my first appointment with my Oncologist. The main thing now is the unknown... When will I start, what type of drugs I will have & what effect they will have on me. I'm also waiting to hear back from the geneticist to find out if I'm a candidate for gene testing. I guess for now I'll just switch off, enjoy the Easter break & come back to all those questions on Tuesday.
Have a lovely Easter & thank you again for your kind message. By the way, your hair looks great! Nicola x0 -
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me Bel. I really appreciate it. I am taking some time off this weekend with my family. We are heading to the country for 5 days. It'll be nice to get away & switch off for a while before I head back on Tuesday for my first appointment with my Oncologist. The main thing now is the unknown... When will I start, what type of drugs I will have & what effect they will have on me. I'm also waiting to hear back from the geneticist to find out if I'm a candidate for gene testing. I guess for now I'll just switch off, enjoy the Easter break & come back to all those questions on Tuesday.
Have a lovely Easter & thank you again for your kind message. By the way, your hair looks great! Nicola x0