Hello everyone:)

He was a bit concerned about the general because when I had my breast surgery they had trouble with me..I had bouts of obstructive apnea & stopped breathing when they took the tubes out, so they had to quickly put the tubes back in scarey stuff... I'm glad I didn't know what was going on.. So they referred me to a sleep apnea clinic which I had the test 2 weeks ago.. So he rang my GP to see if he had results so they were getting faxed to him....I went in very early Wednesday morning all ready for surgery once again & then the Anaesthetic man came out & said we need to talk to you, so I had my fingers crossed behind my back walking into his office, I kind of had a bad feeling.. He told me He couldn't put me under general because I have servere obstructive sleep apnea, well I was gobsmacked

My what a story you have Christine. I will send you a private message, and wish you well with the next proceedure. Try to rest, and prepare for the next one. Thinking of you. X Bel
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Poor little Chris
I feel sorry to hear that... I can't do anything but sharing and stay with you.
Be brave.
{{Big hugging}} - Rosanna
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Poor little Chris
I feel sorry to hear that... I can't do anything but sharing and stay with you.
Be brave.
{{Big hugging}} - Rosanna
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Hi Christine. I can't say I know about Cpap machines personally but my daughter who has Muscular Dystrophy has had a BiPap machine for the last 22years and would not be alive without it. It just becomes a way of life especially when your life depnds on it. All I can say is that I remember many trials and errors when she first got it at the age of 10 and she is now 32 years old! Thank God for the wonders of modern technology. Good luck with everything.
Tanya xo
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Thank you for your hugs.. Hoping all is going well with your chemo... Take care....Christine:)x0
Thanks :)x0
Wow your daughter has done really, & your right trial & errors just something I got to get used to... Thanks take care...Christine:)x0
I'm hoping all runs smoothly & as you put it hope the goal posts stay put
:)lol Christine:)x
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Hi Christine,
I am also having an operation on 9th April at Sydney's Strathfield Private, Wondering where you are?
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Hi Christine,
I am also having an operation on 9th April at Sydney's Strathfield Private, Wondering where you are?
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Hi Christine,
I am also having an operation on 9th April at Sydney's Strathfield Private, Wondering where you are?