Finished with radiation

Suzf Member Posts: 44
edited January 2017 in Health and wellbeing

Well - finished the radiation last week and am slowly recovering and getting my zest for life back again.  I've started walking every morning again and I am going to join a zumba exercise group this week - I will just work at my own pace for a while and see how I go - even if I just enjoy the music and company it will do me good! Suzf




  • brissie lyn
    brissie lyn Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2015

    Wow, I have heard of zumba - let us know what that is like? You sound much better now. Let me know how work is going for you. I am also going back to work after radiation - it will be interesting to see how much we can handle this week and next??! Will the stress get to us? Or do we have a better attitude to work now? I feel less attached to work problems now actually.....Keep relaxed and cheerful...treatment is all over!!

  • moira1
    moira1 Member Posts: 449
    edited March 2015

    Well another milestone over on your journey, just keep making time for yourself and dont over do it, let us know how you are doing, and what you are up to. Regards Moira

  • brissie lyn
    brissie lyn Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2015

    Glad you liked the zumba! You must be much better - I haven't got to huffing and puffing exercise yet but I am told by my physio that I must step it up now. So the casual dog walking is not really enough. So I plan to go back to yoga classes and do fast walking soon. And maybe swimming.

    I feel better this weekend - the redness and soreness post radiation has taken 10 days to ease off to the point where I can wear a bra. I didn't expect it to take this long to recover. Back to work in the office tomorrow!

    Great to hear you are well, Lynx

  • moira1
    moira1 Member Posts: 449
    edited March 2015

    Hi Lyn

    How did your first day back at work go? hope all is well.... Moira

  • moira1
    moira1 Member Posts: 449
    edited March 2015

    Hi Lyn

    How did your first day back at work go? hope all is well.... Moira

  • brissie lyn
    brissie lyn Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2015

    First day back in the office....hmmnn, very good. People were very kind. See my blog for more. Love Lynx

  • Suzf
    Suzf Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2015

    I was going fine in the second week back at work, then last week my energy dropped off again and I was unable to go to Zumba classes but I'm hopeful this week will be OK.  I had a good rest over the weekend and seem to be back on track.  Same as you Lyn I'm enjoying the distractions at work and pleased to get back to the norm, just pacing myself.  I haven't got back to my bras yet though, I'm still very tender and sore so I'm sticking to the sports tops.  I'm off to the oncologist and bone specialist to ensure the aromatose inhibitors I'll be taking will not make my osteopenia any worse.  Hot flushes - here I come again!!! Love Suz