Glad you feel better for talking. There is no way that I could have worked during chemo. It knocked me for 6. You will more than make it up to your kids when you are better . What sort of things do your girls like to do? It is the simple things that will enrich their lives. On your good days do something completely spontaneous and different. Go see a show, take a mystery flight (there are some great specials at the moment $49). Just have a movie night at home on matresses on the floor in the lounge. Buy halloween costumes and stalk the neighbours. I know these all probably sound like far fetched ideas but that is what makes them fun and easy to organise if you are not well . On my well days we used to take turns on a Friday night and someone would pick a take away (usually pizza - urgh!!) and someone else would pick where we would go to eat it. Park, banks of the river, up the hill at sunset.
Your mother probably gets great pleasure out of doing the chores for you. As a mother, can you imagine watching your child sick. By doing chores, she feels she is making it easier for you and helping you. And your kids are probably frightened that if you are sick you are getting worse! Children have a different way of thinking. One simple thing that I did with my son, was ask "do you have anything you want to ask me? nothing is out of bounds". So whilst they may be sick of you being sick, talk to them and see if there is anything else on their mind.
I used to like to keep my house spotless to and I still do, I just do it better now. I say OK everyone helps a little and it will be all done sooner and we can be out of here.
I did very little during my treatment, picking up the kids from school needed a nanna nap afterwards and that was on a good day, but I am so making up for that now. Everyone is different and responds differently to treatment.
Please come and have a chat when ever you need to, try to do just something little for yourself. I have heard you say you want to make it up to your husband and kids, and that is great. But just try and do one little thing for YOU. Maybe say to your mum one day. Lets leave the folding up, make a sandwiche and sit in the park and feel the sun on our face???? When you start to love yourself more, there will be more of you for your family.
I do hope that I do not come across as all warm and fuzzy and nothing can dent my armour. I do feel great now and my life if great, but I have been where you are now and I felt exactly the same as you so please know that I am trying to help..