Country Encore

Hi Ladies, just to let you know that there will be an Encore Program running in the lovely Barossa Valley starting on 29th April. Please call or email the following if you are interested in attending! or 08 8203 9400. Would love to see you there
Hi , we are trying to get this program up and running in our area. We live in central Queensland and to date have had big issues with getting it running.. Enjoy! XLeonie
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I live in Harrington, near Port Macquarie N.S.W. Is there any Encore Programs near where I live. Deb
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Hi Debbie, you can keep in view of whats on by going to the following site ---
I have had a look and Port Mcquarie is listed but sadly no program is running in Term 2. Keep you eye out for Term 3. The other thing to do is email the YWCA Encore and put your name down - the more names in an area helps to get a possible program running. The Facilitator will call you if and when the program is going to be started.
Hope this helps
Best wishes
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Thank you.
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Hi, I am wondering about the situation of a lady wanting to attend an Encore Program but has a round trip of over 200kms and low funds. The local patient travel assistance scheme was approached but they were unsure, they now have Encore information, but I would like to know what other areas have experienced.
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Hi Mandy, I would be really interested in this. We have never had this program in Rockhampton. About a year ago Terry and I tried to set it up. Of course there is the program in Brisbane but whenever one goes to Brisbane for radiation treatment, the timeframe is too short for the Encore program. I had never thought of a possible PTSS assistance. XLeonie
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Hi Ladies, travel is interesting particularly in the country areas of Australia. It is a shame that often ladies miss out because of this factor. City ladies get no assistance to the venue but maybe country councils etc can cater a little differently. Maybe if an area has enough ladies to go to Encore, a community bus could be used? or approach the council to see if they have any sort of funding for this sort of event??? Ideally, would be nice if Encore was everywhere, but because of the training cost alone and availability of ladies wanting to be a Facilitator, makes it hard. Then there is the ongoing cost of upkeep with refresher courses too
One day.......
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Thanks, food for thought!