Receptor Status
Friday I recieved the news that the cancers are oestrogen & progesterone positive & HER2 Negative.
Dont worry if you dont understand this-- it is very confusing but I basically think this means that they know how to treat this cancer - ie with Tamoxifen which apart from making me grow fat hairy & close up my vagina will stop any lose tumour cells from sprouting up.
The confusing thing is that although it is low grade I still have a metastasis in my Lympth node under the arm - so next stop is the oncologist to assess if there is any benefit to chemotherapy.
In the meantime I am able to do a bit more day by day .....though I have a tendancy to over do it & then end up emotional in pain & tired at the end of the day.
Emotionally Im a bit fragile one minute tearing up , then having a laugh at something then have bursts of anger at absolutely trivial things.
I feel a great loss of identity - like a big blob just laying on the couch not contributing to the world !
Also am seeing a councellor at the cancer foundation this week & my first visit with a GP !
So the agony continues - I just want it gone & my life back .Oh to be well again! I want to start having fun again -- I want to be able to plan ahead --- November has been the longest month in my whole life.
Yes that is a bit of a winge ! Sorry for that - but will end on a positive note. Again without all your love & support my life would be even worse than it is right now so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU xxxx
Hang in there Char xxoo