
Hi my lovely ladies
I hope this finds you all well!
I just thought I'd tell you how my big fundraiser went for the Oncology Ward of Box Hill Hospital.
It really was amazing! I had so much support from friends and family....lots of people helped me set up and later debunk out of the Centre where we held it. I had 8 kids helping selling my recipe books and raffle tickets (I made sure they all got some lovely thank you gifts later).
I had an event management co and professional trivia co on board and got heaps of donations for raffles (although that was a bit harder than I expected - I think the economic downturn is certainly making itself felt here in Australia). Nevertheless I got some wonderful prizes and now I'm in the process of sending out thank you notes and emails to all those who supported me.
My neice - despite being in her sick bed (she's only 17 and had to have her gallbladder out in an emergency op a couple of days beforehand) made a video of all the photos taken of me during the "journey" and we played that at the beginning of the night to remind people why we were there in the first place - to fundraise for the Oncology ward.
During the night, we had 4 games, 2 raffles and 6 rounds of questions.
Everyone had such a good time and I got such great feedback.
I'm thrilled to tell you I raised over $4K and there is still more to come in!!!!
My recipe book is selling fast so if you'd like a copy please let me know - only $20.00 each with the profits going to the Oncology Ward.
Luv to you all
Wow! You raised a fantastic amount and sounds like everyone had a great time.Well done.
luv Tonya xx