finally home

Samantha Cunnington
Samantha Cunnington Member Posts: 235
edited September 2012 in Day to day

well ladies....what a rollercoaster its been (thought I was done with that ride!!)

since the surgery and seizure, a week later I had a 2nd seizure, not quite as bad as we had some meds to slow it down. A consult at Peter Mac to see what our options were.

About 10 days later we're told to be at Western Private in Footscray for 3 weeks of whole brain radiotherapy.

Developed a clot in my left leg throughout this time, so started clexane injections now oncologist here tells me im on it forever :(

home again now, recovering..steve is taking great care of me, he is my drug lord, door bitch and caring nurse..i could never do any of this without the huge effort he contributes for me..trying to do as im told and rest at the same time-not always easy!!

hoping all of u reading this is well and feeling great



  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited March 2015

    Your strength is an attribute you should be commmended for the body is amazing what it can go through but if you havent got the strength and support like you and your family its a battle. S o could to see you blogging Im sure we were all womdering about how you were fairing.

                                                                                  regards adean xx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sam, Wow! It has been such a rough few months.

    But glad to hear you are getting through it with the support of Steve.

    It sounds like all you can do is rest up for the moment until the next steps.

    Sending you big hugs.

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I had hoped to hear from you that you were off that rollercoaster ride - you must get so fed up and yet you seem so strong.You are amazing and so is your husband.They should hand out medals for such good men.I hope the latest radiation has done the job,shame about collecting a dvt along the way-as if you haven't had enough to cope with. You can but only rest now and hopefully,be feeling much better real soon.Sending"well"wishes and hugs.

                                       love Tonya xx

  • Amy
    Amy Member Posts: 233
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sam

    Bet you're glad to be back at home.  Let Steve look after you and let your body recover.

    Thinking of you

    Amy x

  • Denice
    Denice Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    hi Sam

    Glad you are home and can enjoy some rest.

    Clexhane is doable...Ive been on it for 51/2 years now. Just think of it as another thing to do... like cleaning your teeth each day.


    Good luck

  • FranP
    FranP Member Posts: 396
    edited March 2015

    Oh Sam and Steve wow i didnt know you were going through so much crap, i am glad you are home and i hope things improve for you lady ,  you certainly have been handed a raw deal. Steve you are doing a wonderful job i know it is hard for you too, Sam you have my number any time if you want to talk remember i am here. love to you all. xxxx Fran and Daryl

  • pisces_tas
    pisces_tas Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2015

    Hi Samantha, Nice to hear you are home. Hope the Radiation helps.

    You are an inspiration to me, but you have had enough to deal with.

    So glad you have support at this time. I am sure you would reciprocate if you could.

    Sending, love and wishes, Kathy.

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sam -- so glad to hear you're home, and hope you're feeling okay.  You've had a rough time of it. Biggest hugs to you and Steve.  xxx

  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sam
    So sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. But you have that fighting spirit and you will get through this.
    You have a great husband who deserves a medal.
    Luv as always to you and you are always in my thoughts.
    Julie xx