Calm before the storm



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,688
    edited July 16

    With regards the Exercise Physio, I had a bit of a whinge at Rebecca's GP yesterday because they have basically refused to give her a referral or Care Plan without a consult - they are 35 minutes away and I'm loathe to have Bec sat in a waiting room for 45 minutes with snotty kids etc so that her GP of 20+ years can "see her" and "discuss

    A GP is required to do a Care Plan in a Consultation process

    I suggest you make the appointment,  when it's time, you go in to see how many are before your appointment to reduce the waiting time in the rooms.

  • byo_boy
    byo_boy Member Posts: 32
    @iserbrown - Thanks for the message and link, I appreciate it. As a family who's barely had the flu for 10+ years, this is all new and scary to us and obviously I'm still trying to figure things out, so I am grateful for info like this.

    I'll definitely make an appointment and get this done - as you point out we may be able to ask for the last appointment of the day or similar. As I mentioned, I think the lack of sleep has just made me grumpy when really I just need to crack on.


  • Coastiejas
    Coastiejas Member Posts: 84
    Hi George and Rebecca 
    Good to hear things are going ok.
    I had a lot of heartburn and acid reflux during chemo (particularly on the AC) rather than nausea.I had to stop eating a lot of acidic things, some fruits, orange juice etc I craved ice cream during that time funnily enough, probably my body wanting less acidic foods.
    My gp gave me pantaprazole which helped me a lot, it's taken in the mornings before food and is proactive rather than reactive like gaviscon. Check with your team to see if that is an option or whether they recommend something else.
    It's a bit of a relief to have the first chemo round over because you know more what to expect for the next rounds. You'll also get used to the patterns of each cycle of chemo and be able to work with the good and bad days. 
    I have my last radiation treatment ("fraction") tomorrow so I am gradually seeing the light at the end of the will get there's a long haul but you will get there!!!
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 154
    @byo_boy,  I am delighted to hear the stuff arrived on time! 
    By the way, with the face to face consultation for the care plan, ask your GP if phone consultation is possible,otherwise first consult of the day. My GP ( she is extremely thoughtful and I am so blessed to have her) also wore a mask every time if I absolutely had to go in and see her. Most of the time, I saw her virtually ( phone consultation).

    she also  went through the efforts to inform her receptionist to make sure I was her first patient if I needed to see her. I still have this standing privilege till Oct as she feels my immune system is compromised from chemo. Approach your GP  diplomatically as Bec may need to consult her several times during this journey. 
