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Palbociclib Side effects back

That didn’t take long to have all the side effects back. i sure enjoyed the break maybe too much did heaps and had lots happening Just finished my 21 days and it's been like i didn’t get a break at all, mind you day 5 in and caught the flu and haven’t been able to shake it. The worst congestion and cough ever which doesn’t help the sore throat etc that I usually have with palbo. The itch is back. The snake skin and all the other joint aches from AI are intensified and about the only thing that hasn’t gotten bad yet is the lethargy (give it time). The alternative is not seeing any of the grandkids make me a great-granny.
 See the clinic this week. Had my dates out thought it was next week just as well they send me a text reminder. Its the gynaecologist next week. 
I’m going to see about a dose reduction to 100mg instead of the 125mg of Palbo 


  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,323
    Hi @cranky_granny
    The side effects thing on the various drugs is a real lottery that’s for sure!
    Some get such terrible side effects ( like heart or lung damage 😱) they have to go straight off these types of drugs, others sail through  with very many Nina’s side effects and often there seems no rhyme or reason.
     Sending you virtual hugs.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    Bugger bugger bugger xxx so sorry to hear that @cranky_granny xx  Sending big hugs too .... hope they can minimise the SEs xx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    WOOHOO!!  Congrats on your first great Grand Child @cranky_granny xxx   How lovely xx 

    All the best for your continuing treatment  xx
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Thanks @arpie
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,808
    Best wishes @cranky_granny
    Here's hoping the break from the meds puts you in good stead to cope better this time and the Neutrophils readings are good!
    Congrats on the arrival of the Great Grandchild - what a joy that must be

    Take care
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Thanks @iserbrown. I hope to get another cuddle soon. Just has to be when mee maw (nanny) are at work. My daughter and son inlaw are besotted with their first grandchild.  Haha I remember the feeling well. 
  • Anne94
    Anne94 Member Posts: 171
    Hi @cranky_granny
    I have been on Palbociclib since 2019. Started on the 125mg, neutrophils and platelets took a dump. Made me a little bit ill. Dose reduction to 100mg - same thing happened. Dose reduction to 75mg and although the platelets and neutrophils are lowish, they aren't critical like they were with the higher doses. Some days I get a bit nauseous, I seem to drink tea now rather than coffee at home. And I have a slight addiction to Dare Iced coffee :D
    Also how awesome to have cuddles with new babies. <3 I got cuddles with new nephews at Christmas time. it was awesome.  :
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    @Anne94. Last blood test showed a drop again but like you not dangerously low. Staying on the 125mg for now. See how i go. Have gallbladder ultrasound next week  I know i have stones showing up in ct. hopefully thats all they find. They’re doing mammogram straight after to save me going back in a months time. 
    After that i hope to get 3 mths before the next round of scans.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,323
    Hi @cranky_granny and others , I am on another drug but my oncologist has me on Neulasta injections which bring my neutrophils back up to normal range,
    Might be different protocols for different drugs ( and individual circumstances) but thought I would mention it .

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Well results are in for ultrasound on gallbladder and Mammogram/ ultrasound. On one hand  Nothing suspicious in Boobs that they didn’t already know about. As for the gallbladder the stones are 2.2 cm and floaters. Seeing as the duct is only 4mm in size they are never going to pass. The Gastroenterologist i see doesn’t deal with gallbladder so yet another specialist to add to the collection. GP faxed my results to a General surgeon and got a message back to call and book in now have that appointment on 19th March. GP is pretty sure I will loose the gallbladder because the stones are too big to blast and definitely wont pass. 
    Still waiting to hear from hospital re top and tail over a year since that booking was done with hospital that will be 4 years since last one every time I have them they take polyps from different places. And say come back in 2 years due to family history 
    I always seem to be on some sort of waiting list these days. these stones have grown considerably since they were first discovered. One thing after another thats for sure. This getting old is crazy. Add in the mets treatment over it all some days. I suppose having the scans for my lesions is showing up all these other things 1 by 1. Wonder what else will start breaking down. 
    Bitch done now to get in with other more joyous things
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    Bummer about the stones, @cranky_granny xx  Shame they didn't deal with them when they were smaller & able to be blasted & passed (tho they say the passing is worse than giving child birth!)  :(   I hope you get a surgery date soon - a few friends have had their gall bladder removed & done fine - it is often done by laproscope now.  I think you need to stay away from fatty foods.  
    (After gallbladder removal surgery, you should eat a low-fat diet that includes lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You should also avoid high-fat foods, fried foods, and processed foods.)

    Yep, getting old sucks - but beats the alternative ;(  xx

    Take care, thinking of you xx
  • FiJane
    FiJane Member Posts: 21
    @cranky_granny it’s such a lot isn’t it?!
    every scan seems to find something else on top of the Mets!
    I also have gall stones which were discovered through scans for cancer. Only little so far though. Nobody has said anything about treating them, must ask!
    hope you get your appointments sooner than later. 🤗 
  • Anne94
    Anne94 Member Posts: 171
    hope you get an operation date for the gallbladder removal soon.  Have had the gallbladder out a couple of years ago. No issues since. 
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Thanks everyone the specialist appointment is I think either the 12 march or the 19th. Forgotten already. I put in the wrong month on calendar so now i have to ring them to confirm which date it actually is.  Duh dumbo mistake there.