Friday Update 19th May 2023

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,153
edited May 2023 in Community news and events

Friday greetings, 

Well, if you have visited your local Baker’s Delight recently you will see that they have all turned pink (across Australia) in support of all Australians affected by breast cancer (For those of you not on social media I will share some of the photos of stores getting involved). You will hear from franchisee’s who have personally been affected by breast cancer; here is Holly’s story via link below:

Community Highlights

Popular Forum Discussions
If you have missed some of the most active discussions in the past few weeks, you can check them out via the links below:

Posts by 'Category Name' 5 May - 19 May 2023

Community News

BCNA News 15 May 2023- BCNA Welcomes Investment in Health Workforce to Support those with Breast Cancer
BCNA – Australia’s leading breast cancer consumer organisation – welcomes the Federal Government’s investment into improving access to multidisciplinary allied and supportive care, announced in this week’s Federal Budget CLICK HERE to read more

International Nurses Day 12 May 2023 

Last week it was lovely to speak with nurses calling into the Helpline and thanking them not just for one day, but every day that they support people and families impacted by breast cancer.  

Donna Wellington is a breast care nurse in Rockhampton who has been there for countless people in rural and regional Australia. ‘As a breast care nurse, I’m a big advocate for equal access to breast cancer services for people in rural and regional areas’, says Donna.  

Nurses play an important part in delivering the best possible care and that's why BCNA is calling for greater investment in the specialist cancer nursing workforce, including breast care nurses, metastatic breast care nurses and cancer nurse practitioners.

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons' (RACS) 91st Annual Scientific Conference 

A keynote speech on equity and access to breast reconstruction in Australia was presented by BCNA’s director of Policy & Advocacy Vicki Durston. Speaking at the conference in Adelaide, Ms. Durston told delegates that information about breast reconstruction should be provided early to help people make informed decisions about breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. 

BCNA’s Breast Reconstruction in Australia 2021 report included lack of communication as a key finding impacting equity of access. This included communication about realistic results, waiting times, out-of-pocket costs and full consideration of all options available for reconstruction, including the option to ‘go flat'. 

BCNA thanks RACS for allowing BCNA to speak on this topic and celebrates that equity and access are priority topics for the college. BCNA is always proud to ensure its consumer voice is represented at conferences that aim to improve outcomes for those affected by breast cancer Read BCNA’s report here: 


Pink Bun is live! 

As shared in the last Friday update, between 11 May and 31 May 2023, 100 per cent of the money from sales of all Fun Buns sold in Bakers Delight bakeries around the country (not just pink ones) will be donated to BCNA. You can read more on how to get involved in my previous update  

Here are several snaps taken throughout various stores: 

Webcasts / Forums

Warrnambool Information Forum: Recording now available! 

BCNA hosted an Information Forum in Warrnambool for people living with breast cancer and their supporters. You can access the on-demand videos below:

Books/Movies/TV Series/Documentaries

The following book Memory-wise explains how memory works and the changes that can occur as we age. It explains the sort of health, attitude and lifestyle factors that can lead to fluctuation in memory and provides practical tips to minimise their effects.

That is all for this week's update and if you have any feedback please feel free to comment below or send a private message.

@Jenny_BCNA @Carissa_BCNA @Pat_BCNA @Mez_BCNA 
If you wish to speak with the Helpline team regarding your concern, please call 1800 500 258 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm (AEST), alternatively you can email 
The mod team - Mez, Carissa, Jenny and Pat 

"Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind" - Amit Ray