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Metastatic breast cancer diagnosis

Original post from @Arleene copied across from the Activity section. 

Good afternoon everyone,

I had BC in 2015 and finished treatment in 2016 and did everything asked of me, in December last year I found a lump in my neck and over Christmas/New Year I underwent tests to find out in January I have MBC in my Lymph Nodes and bones luckily no organs it started rearing it's ugly head ( cancer ) about 1 and 1/2 years ago.

I am going to see my oncologist this morning I have been on oral chemotherapy tablets for 3 months so I am due for a PET Scan sometimes it gets so hard to deal with, my husband and daughter are amazing and I have a good support network but no one has to deal with the pain and anxiety for me this isn't fair. 



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    Damn! I am so sorry to hear this diagnosis @Arleene - that's a cruel set of cards you've been handed. xx  I hope the oral chemo is keeping it stable just now - not having to have the infusion would be a bonus, tho the tablets can have their own side effects too. 

    How was your appt with your Onc today?   All the best for your PET scan ... I hope it shows no progression. xx.  

    Have you considered joining the Metastatic Private Group?  You can raise issues & discuss them in total privacy.

    Take care xx
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,311
    Hello @Arleene
    so sorry to hear this diagnosis.
    you will be in a dark space but I know there have been amazing advances in treatment and a Mets  diagnosis is not necessarily the same as it was some years ago.
    there are many ladies on here with Mets who can support and guide you - agree joining the private group is worthwhile.
    two tips:
    1. seek support from a breast care nurse - if none is provided contact McGrath nurses.
    2. If you need counselling get a referral and plan from your GP.