Oncotype Testing



  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @Lisa1407 would be good if we get new money put into health, especially for the aged who without private cover wait a long time for knee replacements and hip replacements.  If more people that could afford private cover took it up it would put less strain on the public health system here.  Two tier systems can work well if people didn't want everything for nothing.  I hope we are not disappointed and keep on striving to have the best health care system in the world, agree with much you have stated Lisa.  xx
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Agree @Lisa1407, my American penfriend (of 50+ years) has the supposedly top cover through her husband's employment but even that is really lacking for her.
    We are indeed fortunate here, even though if we don't have private insurance we may need to wait a bit more time for treatment for things such as hip and knee replacements.   If we need heart etc due to urgency we are in and treated byt the best possible (though some may be in a teaching hospital and be treated by a student).
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hi there
    I know there are many competing matters for government funding including health funding and it is only going to get worse with an ageing population.
    That is why an organisation such as BCNA is important to advocate for us on issues such as this.
    I do take issue with the statement that the American health system is superior to ours.
    It seems from my observations that is you have money there you get a good experience but if you don’t it’s generally a much inferior experience to here.
    No system is perfect.
  • noosa_blue150
    noosa_blue150 Member Posts: 212
    edited April 2022
    try and. See a documentary Michael Moore made on usa health system called sicko —-frightening. Did you know the health funds in usa can refuse to fund treatment , that here in Australia  our drs would want us to have ? They spoke to a nurse who’s husbands bone marrow,transplant treatment was refused by the health fund , and then he died as he refused to,sell his house to fund it himself as he didn’t want to leave his family in a dire position if he didn’t make it .
    If he’d been in Australia he would have received that transplant .

    That’s tip of the iceberg .

    our system , whilst not perfect , certainly doesn’t have those inequities 
    if you’re insured a health fund cannot refuse you treatment , nor can they kick you out if they think you’re costing them too much 
    if not insured ok we may have wait lists but it works well in most circumstances 
  • SylviaM
    SylviaM Member Posts: 14
    My niece just came back from Texas after being there for 8 years.  She is so happy to be back in Australia where she knows she is guaranteed health care.  It was a very expensive event for her to have her baby and a general trip to emergency could cost upwards of $3000.  When she came here and had to take her baby to the hospital she was surprised to be able to walk away without having to answer a million questions and how will payment me made before having her baby looked at.
    I know our medical system isn't the best and can be frustrating but at least we aren't turned away when we do require medical help.  I am fortunate to be able to afford health cover so I can be treated when I need to, but I know if I wasn't covered that in an emergency I would be treated no questions asked.

    We will never have an answer for all our medical problems but I ham grateful for what we do have.  I will continue to lobby our government for better support and who knows it might help.