
Just introducing myself. Was diagnosed with early breast cancer 3 weeks ago. Had mastectomy and lymph nodes removed a week ago. Im doing well just struggling with the intense, sporadic nerve pain. Will start chemo in approx 5 weeks but will find out more on Tuesday. I wish it was Tuesday! Live in the Illawarra and am 47 years young.


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    Sorry to see you here, @D_Tizzle53 .... but glad you found us.  You are in the right spot for support & info .... whack up any questions that you have & we'll do our best to help out.

    I hope you have some pain meds to help control the pain ... if it continues, maybe chat with your Breast Care Nurse or your GP  - it can take a while for that nerve pain to settle.  It can almost be like mini electric shocks. :( 

    Jump onto this thread to read up a bit on other areas in the forum - we even manage to have a bit of a laugh, too ..... including a link to some 'tick sheets' (down the bottom) to help you formulate questions for your Team Members when you see them ....  It's a good idea to have a trusted buddy with you at your appts as a 2nd set of ears and support - and even to record your appts to go over again later if you need to.

    All the best for your Appt on Tues & your ongoing treatment xx

  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hi there
    I had quite a bit of pain after my mastectomy and was on Endone for 6 weeks.
    I kept trying to get off it as I was worried I would become addicted.
    Then I turned a corner and it started to get better.
    I moved to panadeine forte and then Panadol and finally nothing.
    I was in contact with my breast care nurse and GP to help me through it and kept hearing the phrase “ everyone is different”.
    So be patient -  it will improve , but don’t be afraid to seek medical help .

  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Sending best wishes to you 💐. We are all here to help each other. Everything with breast cancer takes time and we all step it through one day and one treatment at a time. Tuesday will come soon enough but I do get that waiting is so hard. Take care.
  • D_Tizzle53
    D_Tizzle53 Member Posts: 6
    Thanks so much for your advice and encouragement. Now on antibiotics & had fluid drained yesterday. Have switched to Tramal for pain relief which is much better xxxx
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hi @D Tizzle53
    i also had to get “drained” ( in fact 3 times) after getting out of hospital - it didn’t hurt but was a distinctly weird sensation and I was glad to be finished it!

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi @D_Tizzle53,
    I was your age with my first bc. I remember it took about 3wks for pain to settle down. When I had a Mastectomy, I developed a seroma which needed to be drained twice a week for 5wks- not uncommon. Hopefully you’ll improve now with the right pain killers for you.The cut under the arm is probably the worst bit if you had full node removal. I got fitted with a prosthesis around 6wks post op and wore a bra then. Waiting is the pits so keep really busy/distracted till Tuesday.Ask for a printed copy of your pathology results and keep a medical folder at home.Best wishes xx
  • D_Tizzle53
    D_Tizzle53 Member Posts: 6
    @TonyaM thanks for your advice. I have already started a medical folder. Im doing my best to keep distracted. Feeling a bit better today as antibiotics have kicked in. Tramal is proving to be so much better for pain management 😊 and my underarm, inner arm & shoulder are no longer on fire. Big wins today & only 2 more sleeps until Tuesday 👏
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,095
    Dear @D_Tizzle53,

    from jennyss in Western NSW