Medicare runs out



  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    I agree with the above comment 👆🏻. I’m actually wondering why the BCNA, and similar, can’t help pay for things like this. A lot of fundraising goes on. I know the bulk of it goes to research, but I think that some of it needs to be put aside for cases like these, cos there are so many. I was shocked when I went for my ultrasound, then mammogram, last year when I found my lump. After it, reception told me I needed to pay just over $800. This wasn’t mentioned at any time during the tests. I just looked at them dumbfounded. I didn’t know how to react cos I simply didn’t have it. And then I started feeling anxious, which is the last thing I needed after just realising I probably had bc. I told them I was unemployed and a single mum on a pensioner account, and luckily one of the ladies redid something on the computer and told me I didn’t have to pay. The relief!! But after that so many more tests were necessary, each costing around the same, with about half being refunded by Medicare. I was too shocked but the ca diagnosis to really have time to continue to be worried about that too, but afterwards I just thought it was a disgrace. Absolute disgrace. I just think of politicians driving their expensive cars, lovely big homes etc, and here we are, not able to pay for a test to determine if we have ca or not. And all the charity work being done, funds raised. Where is it??? Why do we have to read about situations like this? It’s really distressing. I thought about organising a pink bun party or similar, but then didn’t, cos I’d like the proceeds to go to women and men who need it in these kinds of cases, not just for research which big pharma would thwart anyway if anyone came close to finding a cheap cure or treatment. 
    Just my thoughts. Let’s see if I can one day find a way to raise funds for woman like tisme, for what should be a simple and cheap test. 
  • StrongCoffee
    StrongCoffee Member Posts: 131
    Could you call a private scan place (such as i-med) and ask if there is a pensioner rate?

    Otherwise, can you skip the scans and go straight to getting a biopsy if the lump is palpable?
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    As I say, no point keeping us alive only to end up homeless.  Sometimes even pensioner rates are just not affordable.  We have to look after our vulnerable.

    A society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable. 
    @tisme please pm if you need extra support.
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    In the past, I've just dug my heels in. I always ask before I have whatever the scan or test is, and if I'm told they won't bulkbill and the gap will be $ whatever, I've simply said, "Well sorry, I simply can't afford that. I'll either not be able to pay my rent, or buy food for the next month, or I'll have to go and purchase a pair of black fishnet stockings and find me a streetlight every night for the next week". I've never had to pay extra...the receptionist has always either spoken to their supervisor, or has made a call and then told me that they will bulk bill me.
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    @Keeping_positive1 very true 👌🏻👌🏻
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    edited May 2021
    When I had my bone density scan slip to take along to my appointment the operator told me I would be out of pocket.  So I went back to the hospital and asked to have it bulk billed, but the oncologist I saw at that appointment said no I am not eligible, but turned out I was as I had 12 weeks of steroids.  I think he was just a bit over zealous and another oncologist standing nearby heard my disgruntled manner and looked at the slip and signed the required box to have it bulk billed.  I thanked her immensely and stated to her, no point if they keep me alive only to end up homeless.  She was obviously someone that understand how a relatively small amount to some people can be a game changer to others.  And afterall I was eligible to be bulk billed anyway!  

    Another thing some are asking for is a yearly referral instead of an indefinite referral as there appears to be a kick back for the oncologists.  The oncologists never asked me to get the next referral to be yearly, but the ward clerk did , and stated that the oncologists "deserve" to have a yearly referral not an indefinite one.  If someone here can put more clarity to this, I welcome the input, because it really seems like some sort of rort going on!  Don't we pay the oncologists enough?

    @AllyJay thankfully the black fishnet stocking scenario is not something I have ever seriously considered!  I like your humour and funny analogies :)

  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    That’s just ridiculous. That they can’t tick one box that would mean us having enough money to buy food for a month. Im glad at least one of them had the good sense to do it @Keeping_positive1
    I almost don’t want to ask, but what’s the difference between a yearly referral and an indefinite one? I might’ve been told before but either didn’t understand or forgot 
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    I don't know what the financial difference is for the health professional if they have receive a yearly referral or an indefinite referral from a patient.
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    its 500.00 for a mammogram roughly  i have other health issues like rheumatoid arth ( which is why i dread having to go on the mini bus if its still exists to treatment  i cant afford physio etc and after fighting with NDIS to prove rheumatoid arth  was unfortunately permanent the NDIS is a fraud so much of what i need is daily living and they dont fund those things yet the government fusses over euthanasia  they dont like it , one has to wonder why
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    yup Clover I get 1000.00 per fortnight as a carer less 700 .00 rent  less bills less .......................

  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    gp wants to wait and see, that doesnt make sense , in Feb the mamogram was clear , in May there is a hard lump., the radiology report says its caclifiied but they cant see whats underneath.  no one wants to do anything.   breast care nurse suggests I see my gp and request a revisit to the surgeon. initially the onco said i needed a biopsy etc now he says wait and see  .  a sudden hard lump in the same area as the last breast cancer isnt wait and see as far as I am concerned . I cant see my gp for 9 days nor anyone else ( which I wouldnt thrill to that idea having to explain it all ). so will see if my usual gp will send me to the surgeon for an opinion etc.   In the mean time I am battling to come off anti depressants  the meds the pysch prescribed  to replace the others with arent recommended for those with breast cancer  so as you might imagine the depression is bad . and autistic daughter is picking up on it.  ( coming down off these anti depressants is evil , thought I developed high blood pressure , the last anti dep put me in hospital god what next
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    If you have a new lump, surely your GP has referred you to your surgeon and oncologist, who will order further tests ASAP!!!!
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    i had a scan and when i saw the gp for the results he said keep an eye on it .  had a telechat with the oncologist and he said it needed a biopsy, and to send him a copy of the scans when he got them he said it was ok , and just to keep an eye on it if it grows let him know , I think thats nuts 

  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Sounds nuts to me too :/
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    i see another gp tomorrow see what happens going to do as the breast cancer nurse suggested that i ask the doc to send me to the surgeon ( that did the first biopsy 2 years ago ) for an opinion etc