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Metastatic cancer

Not_good_63_57 Member Posts: 72
edited December 2020 in Metastatic breast cancer
God I’m over feeling the way I do 
started Letrozole and Palbociclib tablets this morn and have t been sick but god it’s taking toll on body feeling bit buggered ... stomach is full nerves as suffer from anxiety and panic so get feeling of word and scared like u want to b sick then it goes ... is this normal 
it get better each day or worse I keep thinking worse try to relax and I can’t 
god wish I could turn back time 
don’t even know how I’m gonna take tablets in morn if I keep feeling like this plus need to get calcium tablet god only knows how I’m gonna take that too 
feel like giving up already 


  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,573
    Hi @Not_good_63_57,
    please consider seeing a psychologist if you haven’t already. One should be provided to you for free by either GP or oncologist. If for nothing more than to get your anxiety in order. I’m also a sufferer of panic attacks and have generalised anxiety, and my psychologist has helped so much in calming my nerves and getting me to stay grounded. It’s a work in progress, but the more you go the better you feel. I hope the side effects ease up 🤞♥️
  • Not_good_63_57
    Not_good_63_57 Member Posts: 72
    Hey thank you yeh I have one but can’t get back to see her til
    jan 21 might have to find another one and yeh hope they do too been told they will 
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,573
    I had one through my GP cos I got a Mental Health Plan, but wasn’t too happy with him. Then I asked my medical oncologist for one just before starting Letrozole and they provided me with one straight away, and she’s not even part of the MHP. I’ve been getting regular sessions and it’s been so helpful. They knew I was anxious though as it says it on all my notes. Give your onco a call, tell him your side effects and request a psychologist ASAP. Tell them you’re suffering quite a bit. And do something nice for yourself. This stuff is hard. We need to find the good. 
  • Not_good_63_57
    Not_good_63_57 Member Posts: 72
    Oh ok yeh will do that Thankyou 
    yeh second day tomorrow hope stomach has settled by morning 
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 969
    @Not_good_63_57 Try to be kind to yourself.  xxx
  • Not_good_63_57
    Not_good_63_57 Member Posts: 72
    Thankyou ladies 
    yes took gastro stop and moxolin tablet before I had other tablets this morn feel bit better today 
    had nurse ring me from
    hospital to make sure I was ok she said if it gets too much they will change dose or medicine but she also said it takes few weeks to adjust too as it’s shock to ur body but still feel bit buggered and worn out 
    hopefully I will feel better over time 
    the nerves have settled little bit too but goin to talk to my doctor this arv see wat she says 
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,573
    Good, sounds like you’re on the right track 👌🏻😊
  • Not_good_63_57
    Not_good_63_57 Member Posts: 72
    Really hope so 
    it’s hard to deal with sometimes but hopefully by Xmas I will feel bit better 
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,573
    It is really hard, more than people can generally understand, but the main thing is you’re willing to fight for yourself and seeking the right help. Keep it up, things always get better when we will them to 👌🏻♥️
  • Not_good_63_57
    Not_good_63_57 Member Posts: 72
    Thank you 
    yes they will eventually but god hate feeling like this sometimes but that’s life hey 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Deep breaths, and just take one day at a time - one hour at a time, if need be   @Not_good_63_57  .....

    You may have to pull your Big Girls Pants on for the next couple of weeks ..... Some times, we have to fake it, to make it ...

    You can do this xxx

    Treat yourself now & then as a 'Well Done' too!!  It could be something as simple as sucking on a Mango or a walk by the river - something that just takes your mind of things xxx

    And remember the song - Girls just want to have FUN!  Oh YEAH - Girls just want to have FUN!  
    You WILL have fun again xx

  • Not_good_63_57
    Not_good_63_57 Member Posts: 72
    hey thanks 
    yeh I go to horses went to shop or should say dentist today with my daughter she needs tooth pulled out hopefully tomorrow 
    And yeh it’s hard but I will get there day three tomorrow got to b better than today hopefully each day gets better 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Good on you @Not_good_63_57 - oooh, I hope all goes well with your daughter - I hate going to the dentist (I busted a tooth a few weeks ago & still haven't had it looked at .....) and I come from a family of dentists!   LOL. My dad, grandfather, godfather, brother & sister ...... all dentists!!  (Also all retired or passed now!)

    You'll be happier when you can ride again too .... a busy body = a busy mind .... cos it is our mind that often is more 'mucked with' even than our bodies.  :(

    Take care xx
  • Not_good_63_57
    Not_good_63_57 Member Posts: 72
    Yes very true it is our mind 
    awesome they were dentists yeh her sister will go in with her as she is nervous lol 
    but yeh feel bit squirmish think I’m hungry haven’t had much today see how I go mayb just scrambled eggs on toast I think