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Mouth sore, tongue sore and nausea...any suggestions?

Tasia Member Posts: 126
I am using nilstat, biotene, bi-carb and salt...some relief but open to any advice.

Nausea - is wanting to stick around. I really donʻt want to take any more medication. Have focused on breathing, mindfulness, qi gong, walking, music. My fluid intakes have missed a few beats too.

Itʻs only a hurdle, will get over it...yes?


  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,538
    Hi @Tasia There is an end but sometimes it feels like we will never reach it. The only thing that worked for my mouth was aloe Vera juice. I would swish it around three times a day. The anti nausea drugs didn’t work well. I would munch on celery sticks. They only worked while I was eating them so I kept up my supply, especially when travelling. I forced myself to drink lots of water, especially the day before chemo. I am nearly two years post chemo, not counting the Herceptin. You will get there, in the meantime, Come here if you need support or just need to vent.

  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,531
    Hi @Tasia, I found soda water helpful for fluids and settling my tummy. Sometimes I put some juice in the soda water as well for a little flavour. Your doing great keeping up the ealks, mindfulness etc. I just finished chemo and never stopped my daily walks. I am about to start radium and then hormone inhibitors and plan to continue my walks, deep relaxation and mindfulness too. Keep caring for yourself. All the best 🙏
  • poodlejules
    poodlejules Member Posts: 393
    Hi @Tasia It looks like you're in Sydney but I think you can still buy the Peter Mac cancer hospital mouthwash online. Its basically a salt wash with a few other things thrown in but I found it great for keeping my mouth in top shape. Also good old dry ginger ale or ginger beer helped with my nausea, lots of sugar though, so maybe a ginger tea or Blackmores ginger calm (which I took for morning sickness) might help? Good luck with it all xox
  • Tasia
    Tasia Member Posts: 126
    Thank you @Cath62
    On my very bumpy days - usually part of 4, day 5 is a total write-off and 6 a confused day - I am challenged in every way and walks donʻt come easily. I will keep gazing up and forward on the kinder days x
  • Tasia
    Tasia Member Posts: 126
    @poodlejules - I thought I had somewhat controlled until cycle 3 and it all flared up. Teeth, gums, inner mouth, tongue even throat feels odd. I use fresh ginger in my fruit juices when I can stomach them. I will look up Blackmores...thank you xx

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    edited September 2020
    @kmakm swore by pineapple pieces kept in the freezer.  I think that the pineapple contains a chemical that helps.  From memory, I ate pasta with olives, sun-dried tomatoes and pesto - strong, sharp flavours that cut through the murky mouth.  And had the occasional strong Crown Mint.

    But honestly, Ativan saved my sanity as it enabled me to lie down and sleep off the worst.
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Aside from all the medication options as mentioned above, I also found sucking on ice blocks or a lemonade icy pole helped to numb the pain in my mouth. My husband ended up calling me an ice addict...with his non ulcerated tongue in his unblistered cheek...
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Yep,lemonade ice blocks!
  • Tasia
    Tasia Member Posts: 126
    Hi @Blossom1961
    I will try Aloe Vera Juice - is it sold at the supermarkets? 
    My tongue is looking like it has mini broccoli florets growing on the its outer wall :-(

    I also force myself to drink heaps of water pre chemo.

  • Tasia
    Tasia Member Posts: 126
    Thank you to you all for your suggestions and advice.

    I worked for a few hours this morning (phone session) and of course my mouth and tongue put on their best performance - the worst mouth sore day I have had. Limiting what I can eat and drink.
    My super sensitive teeth are not able to handle ice cold anything. I am softening cold ice cream and swirling that around, have tried boiling ginger pieces and placing those in my mouth for a few seconds and swirling the ginger water around.

    I squirt biotene mouth gel multiple times throughout the day. 

    Is it possible to dry out the tear well or am I become desensitised??
  • Tasia
    Tasia Member Posts: 126
    Hi @@Blossom1961
    I will try Aloe Vera Juice - is it sold at the supermarkets? 
    My tongue is looking like it has mini broccoli florets growing on the its outer wall :-(

    I also force myself to drink heaps of water pre chemo.

    Many thanks for your advice and support x

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Just a thought - have you considered that you may have oral thrush?  I got it once during chemo but a short course of Fungilin after a visit to the GP got rid of it very quickly.  It's a fairly common side effect of chemo.
  • Tasia
    Tasia Member Posts: 126
    @Sister - yep I have oral thrush and have been recommended nilstat which is sort of working. The teeth, gums and inner mouth walls and perimeter of the tongue are not happy campers. I am upping bicarb and ginger...see how that goes 
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    Hi @Tasia,
    This business is not fun is it.   I also  found twinnings ginger tea helpful for nausea.   All the other suggestions made before are good ones.  I had a few lemonade icy poles and some pineapple juice too.  The juice would sting a bit but I felt it worked. 
  • Beryl C.
    Beryl C. Member Posts: 270
    Not sure if this is relevant but years ago I read that pineapple, paw paw and kiwi fruit all contain an enzyme that actually breaks down flesh - this is why they are often included in a tenderiser mix. When I was a kid I disliked pineapple as it made my tongue feel raw. I never thought of this until about five years ago when my mouth was 'volcano craters' and speaking was a real challenge. I tried everything from the chemist and the nurses gave me an assortment of rinses and gels - nothing eased the pain. I created my own grated ginger poultice and bought ginger candy at an Asian grocer - that was the only thing that eased the pain, I also made my own ginger and honey tea using grated ginger. I pulverised my food into a 'baby food' mash and when possible ate with a straw. I also lost a few kgs. As @Locksley said, this business is not fun, we are with you!