Childlessness and Breast Cancer diagnosis

Janet A
Janet A Member Posts: 281
I wish to post this article as awareness to members of BCNA who happen to find themselves with a diagnosis and are childless. We as a demographic are more likely to end up with a diagnosis than those who have had children. My idea to start up a group called Breast Cancer, Childlessness and Us was borne when I noticed there are no support groups for us and awareness for me wasn't forthcoming within my support network in FNQ. So if you wish to read this article, find yourselves in our demographic and think this is your fit, fly on over and join our now growing group. I am hoping one day it will become a subject that is openly discussed without having to endure comments discussed in this article.
Cheers Janet


  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
    Thanks, @Janet A - how true is all that ?
    Hopefully some people who are totally unaware of how their words affect childless people (yes, people, both men and women) will read the article and rethink what they say and how they act towards childless people.
    We had a male friend, from a family of 10 children, who really wanted a large family, fell in love and married the woman of his dreams - until it was found children were not forthcoming.  Problem ?  Him.
    So they went the whole IVF route at great cost but still no babies happened.  Problem ? She had been molested as a child and her body was not able to carry through with the task.
    As his family were merrily reproducing he went into a spiral and suicided.
    She then became a BC statistic and battled on - all alone.  No-one offered any help, saying she was financially secure and could pay for any help !  This, the lady who had babysat at any time for however long to help his family through their tough times.
    She lives on but grieves every day, not just for him, but for the children they could never have.
  • Janet A
    Janet A Member Posts: 281
    And this story says it all, thanks for sharing.
    There is a common denominator in most stories, lack of empathy and understanding and blatant rudeness about a subject which is quite private. 
    Really well-written article hey!