Diagnosed today fluke pickup



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    I think a call to the BCNA helpline maybe beneficial


    You appear to be making big decisions based around very little information by the sound of what you have posted here.  What type of breast cancer do you have? 
  • NewBoobsPLS
    NewBoobsPLS Member Posts: 87
    @iserbrown your right I know very little as it's all been this week. I know it's not her2 as the surgeon crossed that off his paper when he was drawing diagrams. (very visual person). I know it's not in lymph nodes as he told me that yesterday. I know it's 5mm by 6mm in the left beast 4cm from nipple. And I know the edges are not smooth and he was saying it's aggressive. That's about it. Some many questions still.
    What ever it is a double mastectomy is definitely what I want. I have wanted cosmetic reconstruction for a long time anyway so that was a very easy decision for me. I was actually going to look into cosmetic surgery this year anyway. I'm a saggy a cup after breastfeeding and I hate them. Even more so now.
  • NewBoobsPLS
    NewBoobsPLS Member Posts: 87
    The helpline is online open Monday to Friday.🙁
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I agree with @iserbrown, I think having a chat with a third party would be beneficial. It's always good to have a sounding board and stress test a decision both ways. Are you prepared to lose all sensation in your breasts? How will you deal with the loss of the sexual side of this area? Just being a devil's advocate here! Above all, trust your gut, but get all the info first. Good luck. K xox
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    See if you have a McGrath nurse nearby for you to talk to about it. They are free.
  • NewBoobsPLS
    NewBoobsPLS Member Posts: 87
    @Brenda5 thank you I looked up a few but again none work on Saturday's which is fair enough. I have emailed my surgeon asking for the details in writing so I'll see what happens.
  • Greengirl
    Greengirl Member Posts: 57
    @NewBoobsPLS. Your thinking sounds perfectly reasonable to me. 
    Especially as you were thinking about getting your boobs done anyway.Whatever you decide on will be the right decision for you. I’m sure your surgeon will talk through the options, side effects etc.I had a lumpectomy and will need radiotherapy. My new left boob looks pretty good but definitely not an exact match to the other. I don’t know much about reconstruction but you will work it out. Take care x 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    There is only smooth implants available now as textured and teardrop lead to a different cancer risk so they are not using them now.

    Saline is inside silicone and has more risk of rippling. The new silicon implants are a  cohesive gel...so if the implant breaks it just blobs out a bit and not leak through your body.
  • jintie
    jintie Member Posts: 114
    @NewBoobsPLS How did the visit to the surgeons go?
  • NewBoobsPLS
    NewBoobsPLS Member Posts: 87
    @jintie well thank you. Both had similar plans for treatments with the limited info we had at the time but both had different techniques to do the same surgery so i decided on the one that resonated with me most. I had a double mastectomy with skin and nipple sparing on Wednesday last week. Tissue expanders were inserted and 4 lymph nodes were removed. At home with drains out getting used to the Tupperware Tits feeling that comes with tissue expanders.
    Just hating that i cant do much and sleeping is so uncomfortable.
  • Ahnn
    Ahnn Member Posts: 42
    Best wishes @NewBoobsPLS.  Your medical support team will work with you for the results you want. Recovery is slow to start but gets more manageable very quickly. Try sleeping in a recliner if possible for greater comfort.  You can do this!
  • NewBoobsPLS
    NewBoobsPLS Member Posts: 87
    Hi all, been a little while in between posts but I now have more info and a treatment plan.
    So cancer was 12mm  not 6 like measure on ultrasound. 1of the 4 lymph nodes removed had abnormal cells which is why they took 4 not 2 in surgery.
    HER2 positive and hormone positive.
    I currently have tissue expanders in with metal valve and require both chemo and Radio. I have read that the metal valve creates more damage when undergoing radio however my Dr says that's an old school of thought. Any comments, suggestions?