Lymph nodes under the arm and neck area.



  • Chea
    Chea Member Posts: 29
    Thank you Sister and Patti J and kmakm. I will definately invest in a rashie for summer. Funny you mentioned about the sun and hormone blocking meds. I did a sports day with my grandson not so long ago. Even though I was in the shade most of the time by the end of the day I was quite red and it knocked me for a sixer. Now I know why. The meds. 
  • Chea
    Chea Member Posts: 29
    Enjoy the wekend everyone. ☺☺☺☺
  • shs14
    shs14 Member Posts: 146
    edited October 2019
    Hi @Chea,
    I had a discussion with my Radiation Oncologist last week where she gave me the choice of including radiation to my clavicular, mammary chain and high axillary lymph nodes on top of my affected lymph nodes and breast following my lumpectomy surgery and chemo.
    To help with my decision she sent me this study below which showed the side effects of treatment (which included a slightly higher but still quite low risk of lymphadema and pneumonitis.)
    This is a link to it, it was called the MA20 trial:
    Hope that helps.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @Chea I also often take a large light scarf out with me if there's a possibility I might be out in the sun for awhile and I've got skin exposed.  I can drape it over my neck, shoulder or arm as needed to filter out some of the sun.
  • Chea
    Chea Member Posts: 29
    Kmakm. I was just reading your story. You are very busy. 🤔 Just wanted to say I  have been on Letrozole for two and half years. And yes I  struggled but since I  changed my meds to night time I have coped much better. Not sure if this was the reason but I did find out the info here online. Hope this helps. Worth a try. I take it just before bed. Take care. 🙂
  • Chea
    Chea Member Posts: 29
    Shs14. Thank you for the link. I will be very very interested in looking and knowing what the future holds. This has been my main concern. I will be looking at the link after these posts. Very much appreciated. Thank you for sharing. 😊
  • Chea
    Chea Member Posts: 29
    Thank you again Sister. Because we are in Cairns the sun is to the extreme. Already started and no rain in site. I will be avoiding long stints in the Sun and will invest in a large scarf. Not something we use up here. Only have the ones suitable for your kind of weather when we travel. Your tips are coming in very handy. When are you back at work.? And how are you feeling. Glad you had a few days break. Glenelg was just beautiful. All of Adelaide was just beautiful. Easy to get around. My husband and my sister too visited Adelaide. We walked everywhere, and I  mean everywhere. Loved it. Take care and Best Wishes to you. 🤗
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Thank you @Chea, yes very busy indeed.

    I tried taking Letrozole at night but it didn't work for me. I find it very drying and so at night it was very uncomfortable and contributed to me snoring. Quenching my thirst meant I got up even more to pee! It made no difference to the side effects so after a month I switched back to morning. K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @chea Back to work tomorrow, unfortunately.  A shame to go back in such glorious weather.  
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    We're having the occasional spring like day here in Melbourne @Sister, but mostly it's still feelinh like winter. We've got a 13°, a 14° and a 15° day in our forecast this week. Gargh!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    We desperately need the rain so I don't mind that (at night, please) but no doubt all we'll get is the bad weather and no water.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    edited October 2019
    For us it has been drizzly and has added up as the week has gone on!  A bit of water in the tanks!  Happy with the mixed bag of spring - October is traditionally our wet month so we wait and see!  
    Goodness this dry is a problem in some areas more than others!  Hopefully some rain comes soon as it is desperately needed across all States.