Checking in and needing some connection-Struggling and lonely.

H everyone
Been a few months since checking in.  Last time I was experiencing a lot of sadness.  I having been seeing a psychologist weekly to work through all the issues that arise post treatment etc, as I titled my last post shifting priorities.  So much has changed and continues to change.

We moved house because I just couldn't be in the house we were living.  I didn't recognise who I was there.  Still hard to look at myself-Understanding who I am from what I was.  Instant menopause, short grey hair with a completely different feel and texture, changing relationships and recently some anger issues. 

I have been working through it all slowly but what scared me was the instant rage I felt at other people who are talk about such trivial frivolous shit - getting wrinkles, hair colour, hot flushes of natural and slow menopause, whinging about kids, husbands, partners, holidays, money, getting a cold, what to buy at the bottle shop, getting botox, work issues (that I see as completely solvable) and any number of day to day stuff.  People are just living their lives and, doing probably what I used to do but now but now I am just so different.  I have been back at work and I got really angry over a few things and my line manager suggested I take some time off to heal.  I have done this but what scared me, as I said earlier, was the anger and intolerance.  I don't recognise that or how to deal with it. I have never been this intolerant or angry.  I feel so seperate from other people now.  I feel so lonely.  When i am talking to others I feel like pretending. 

There are so many issues from the past that have arisen through counselling, crappy childhood issues (emotional abuse and emotional neglect etc), relationship issues, all sorts of things have come up that I am dealing with.  I have connected with survivors through dragon boating but the conversations are focused on the task at hand-paddling.  Right now I just want some deep connection and support from other survivors who understand and can offer any advice or reflection of their own experiences of post treatment experience. I want to be able to talk about it all-the fears, fear of every ache or physical niggle, the isolation, the feeling of separateness of being so apart from everyone and some reassurance that others have felt this and have come out the other side.  My oncologist described it as 'Your brain catching up with what has happened to you'.

I am having treatment for depression and anxiety.  I just want connection. 

Here is the only place I feel safe enough to share my feelings about it all.  I talk to my psychologist, husband but they haven't been through this.

My friendships have changed because I have changed and it's sad.  Really sad to admit that and I have nothing to give anymore.



  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @JSN I feel a real disconnect with those around me no matter how much I try to join in.  It started with the mammo call-back and has never improved.  Positivity is a struggle as is just getting on with life through the fatigue and the body refusing to behave like it's supposed to.  And angry...there's days I could be locked up.  Other days when the anxiety is so great I can hardly catch a breath.  I'm not sure what the future is going to look like but at the moment there's not much that seems promising.  But I will keep trying and smiling when I can.  
  • CRM
    CRM Member Posts: 94
    I hope you start to feel better soon @JSN

    I have had a really rough weekend with friends and boyfriend.  I'm 32 and have about 5 close friends and 2 sisters that are either pregnant or trying to fall pregnant.  Meanwhile, I am starting hormone replacement medication that will delay this opportunity for me for years and it makes me so sad.  I also had to cancel a trip to Scotland in November, which was about the only thing I had to look forward to this year.  Boyfriend keeps telling me he is also disappointed about having to cancel our holiday and it will all be fine because we will go next year.... very easy for him to say when he is about to head over to South America and California for a month (for work, but still!) while I start radiation.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,799
    @JSN and @CRM
    It's hard yards as you settle into this unforeseen journey of Breast Cancer and it's ongoing treatment.  The forum has a wealth of experience and understanding. Popping in, reading and posting hopefully will make you feel that you are not alone 

    Best wishes to you both
    Take care