Why not join the Living with metastatic private group? Access group via the link here.

Are you a member of the private Living With Metastatic Cancer group?

My name is
Rachelle and I am based in Melbourne. I have MBC and joined the newly formed MBC
Advisory Group to help BCNA, at this stage, with the revision of the Hope &
Hurdles hardcopy guide and to inform BCNA of emerging issues affecting people
with metastatic breast cancer.

I have also put my hand up to be a group leader
of the private ‘living with metastatic breast cancer’ group to encourage people to share
their experiences and support one another. I will also keep you informed of the
advisory group activities and welcome your thoughts on the good things and gaps
in care that you may experience in your local areas to share at committee

I see that people are more active in this forum but I was hoping, along with BCNA, that we can transfer the activity to the private group, where people may feel more comfortable to be open with their posts/comments yet feel reassured that all posts remain private.

If you are not yet a member, please consider joining. If you are a member, perhaps you would like to post your story under the Stories announcement.
