Sports Bra for runner

Snoopy_tj Member Posts: 11
edited August 2018 in Health and wellbeing
I am currently 10 days post bilateral mastectomy with immediate skin and nipple sparing implant reconstruction. I am also a keen runner who usually runs 70-80km a week.

I now have a lovely set of 12D breasts and I am wanting to get a few super supportive sports bras ready for when I can return to training in 5wks. I also have a marathon booked 11.5wks post surgery.

Thanks in advance for the help!


  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    @Snoopy_tj I bought front opening post op bras from Target as did not know about the Berlei freebie.They were ok during radiotherapy but never really comfy. The best thing for me was a friend giving me an ah bra  6 months after surgery and have worn them ever since so comfortable and no seams.I don’t run - just walk daily for an hour and do an exercise class twice weekly for which they are great.They are quite cheap and available collectively as sports bras in all stores - my favourite one comes From Kmart.
  • Sarnicad
    Sarnicad Member Posts: 318
    @Snoopy_tj have a look at Brava who specialise in bras d cup and up. They have been amazing with me finding a comfy bra post surgery
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Where are you? I'm in Melbourne and there are a couple of places I could recommend if you were as well. Cheers, K
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    Best and Less also have some brilliant ‘sports bras’ ... you just step into them (if you can’t pull them over your head, ..) and very comfy.  I took the ‘inserts’ out tho.  KMart also has some ‘front opening’ soft bras.

    Make sure you take your time getting back into the running .... I found the bumps in the road (in the car!) bad enough .... I was basically holding my boob with one hand, anticipating all the bumps - but if you’ve had BOTH done, it could be really tricky!  

    Make haste slowly. .... you’ll ‘know’ when You can do it xxx.

    All the best on your recovery xxx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
    Genevieve Gort

    Some of the ladies on here are happy customers 

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Where are you @Snoopy_tj?  If you're in Adelaide, Barbara Kennedy (or her daughter) will come to you with a huge range of bras.
  • Snoopy_tj
    Snoopy_tj Member Posts: 11
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I’m in Brisbane.

    So far I have been to Tracey G at the Wesley and have been fitted with one of the lovely post surgical bras. It is really comfy and doing a great job holding everything together. However, I don’t think it would be supportive enough to run in when the time comes.

    I have done a bit of Googling and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the “Shock Absorber” brand?
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    WOW!  Some lovely looking stuff there, @Snoopy_tj

  • Gonski
    Gonski Member Posts: 8
    I run with one expander in. I use triumph or Berlie.. rebel sport have a gr8 range

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    You could use your sports bra and remove the wires for now. Eventually you can wear wires but it takes time forcit to feel comfortable. I think you need to ask your surgeon about returning to running so soon after surgery. I know I couldn't do weights for 3 months minimum...or anything that puts a lot of strain on the area...which jogging will. Do remember your muscle has been cut and is now supporting an implant. Also you possibly have some kind of mesh sewn in to allow straight to implant and this means more internal healing time. Best to be cautious now  for long term great results. 
  • 12paws
    12paws Member Posts: 7
    Hello, I’ve used the shock absorber brand both pre and post mastectomy. I’m about 20 months post mastectomy so the details are a bit fuzzy now but I think it was my shock absorber ones I could get into first. I think I was back running maybe 6 weeks after the surgery, and at that stage I could get it on. I was a 10DD and it worked well support wise pre and post surgery. 
  • Anjke
    Anjke Member Posts: 5
    I was running and playing volleyball before my surgery.  I had a  wide local excision high in Lt breast UOQ of a 2cm IDC close to the chest wall (clear margins)  A single sentinel node was removed too (clear).  No chemo just 15 days radio which was well tolerated.  It has now been 3 months since surgery and I still can't run, even in a tight sports bra, without pain and have not played volleyball since then either due to pain and worry of being hit in the breast by the ball.  I would be interested in knowing about other peoples experiences timewise as to when they resumed running / playing.  I naively thought I might be running again by now....  Will have a look at the shock absorbed brand mentioned earlier as it can be bought via Wiggle.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Whilst not a runner I do walk a lot and have a fuller chest.I bought the Target High Impact sports bra and found it pretty supportive although have yet  to streamline getting in and out of it.Have  a look at the Target site online to see if it might help you.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @Kiwi Angel Do I remember through my brain fog that you are a runner?  Or am I getting mixed up (again)?
  • Mantis
    Mantis Member Posts: 61
    I fount it hard finding a sports bra that sat in the right place with my port but the Triumph Triaction is great with a wider neckline.

    @Anjke I’m also three months post surgery and have only very recently started adding some short run intervals into my walks although I’ve probably been more limited by chemo side effects than pain. It may be worth seeing an oncology EP or Physio to get you back on track. I’ve been working on strength / mobility with an EP and think it’s made quite a difference for me.