Coping with emotions

TaniaB Member Posts: 8
edited July 2018 in Health and wellbeing
Hi all, 

No doubt the rollercoaster of emotions hits us all , and finding ways to pick up after a melt down which comes and goes is becoming easier. I allow myself 24 hours when I hit bottom and then push back up as I know the emotional exhaustion makes it harder for me to stay strong physically and mentally . The days when newly diagnosed , to the many test , surgery and the news just goes from bad to worse , getting hopes up and finding out its worse then expected is horrible . So I learned to expect the worst so that there was no emotional shock to the system , and if good news comes then its party time . Being prepared is better than just dealing as it comes for me anyway . so after 2 months of back and forth , I am only at the certainty that I am having a double mastecomy and auxilliary removal in a few weeks, once pathology comes back yet again, the rest will again be determined and it has changed many times ! I ahve been told no chemo only ovary supression and aromotase inhibitor, then told maybe chemo , no radiation still full hormone supression . So I guess I have now resigned to the usual wait and see again , once the final pathology after the major surgury is though . Today I hit bottom as the mastecomy is only a few weeks away, and though I though I was prepared it hit me . so after falling in a heap in tears and anger and despair, I sat in the sun and wrote this little poem as a way to cope and it picked me up and I fee strong again ...well for today that is . Just thought I would share and maybe finding a way to express yourself can help you too. The I posted a status on face book :

Dear boobies ,

In a few weeks I say goodbye , 
You’ve served well for 36 years 
You’ve nourished my kids
And been annoying tits 
You’ve also bought me pleasure 
And been a great radar for the weather 
Bra shopping was arghh
Swimwear was farrrkk
A part of my natural femininity , my womanhood ,
Proudly a part of me you stood ...
But your trying to kill me now 
So please take a bow 
It’s time for you to go 
No more little cancer seeds will you sow 
I will stand proud and tall 
Without you I will not fall ,
You do not define me ,
Sexy and feminine I will always be ...
I don’t need you any longer 
And saying goodbye will only make me stronger . 
At the end of the day your just flesh 
And I am more important and I think I’m pretty spesh... 
I have many dreams yet to be fulfilled ,
So fight you with all I have ,I will !
so on your bike little boobies of mine 
It’s time for me to fight ,to live yet a long time ...

Poem written by me 


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  • TaniaB
    TaniaB Member Posts: 8

    To the 1 in 8 women facing the same battle , and the many yet to come ...

    Let’s hope and pray and support that in time it will be a 100% curable disease .

    Stand tall and proud , no matter the loss of your boobies, and the pain and struggle of chemo , radiation, and the medicine needed to take for many years and it’s side effects . Show our children we are warriors and nothing can beat us down .

    Though we allow our moments and times of despair , please remember that love will always win . For ourselves , for our families and partners for our friends and fellow women and men .
    We are beautiful , not for what we look like but for who we are inside , our strength , determination , love and our light .

    #breastcancerawareness #fuckcancer #iamwomanhearmeroar#warriorsurvivor

    Peace , love and light always 

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  • JuMuKu
    JuMuKu Member Posts: 25
    Dear Tania B
    It’s an impressive therapy poem. 
    Good luck with your surgery.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,319
    @TaniaB - that is an awesome poem and approach to your surgery ......

    Wishing you all the best for your forthcoming surgery & treatment afterwards .....

    We are here if you need anyone to chat to, commiserate with, laugh with or just hang out with .... not question is too silly to ask!!  ;)  xxx

  • Finch
    Finch Member Posts: 302
    Your poem brought tears to my eyes, beautiful. Wishing you the best for your treatments xxxx

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