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Newly Diagnosed



  • Smiley Van Winkle
    Smiley Van Winkle Member Posts: 25
    Well it is a small world isnt it! If I had have known you then I would have definitely made arrangements to meet up but it was back in April. When we go back to visit again we can make a date to meet, that would be really nice.
    I had my appointment to see onc today and bloods done earlier for testing, unfortunately my white cells not recovered enough to start back on supplement drug ribociclib so have to wait till friday to have them done again. Hoping I will be able to start back on my 3 weeks on 1 week off ( I take letrozole every day no break, its an estrogen blocker) at reduced dose for next cycle as he thinks current dose too strong for my bone marrow. I would like to get into a consistant pattern with these medications as soon as possible. Also had my first bone strengthening injection today, same one as you are on and yes they warned me about the dental situation.
    Im so pleased to hear your chemo is working for you Wendy, keep going well.
    Well its been a rainy cold day here so hoping as we head inland tomorrow we leave the rain behind but whatever it may be am looking forward to the break. Heading to an inland town from Brisbane so will be a 7 hour drive so will pack a picnic lunch and hope we get a sunny break around lunch time.
    Look forward to a chat when we return