

  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    I watched the 4 corners show tonite and was fascinated by the rivalry of urologists and radiologists. The radilogists procedure is less invasive, cheaper and more thorough than the urologists for prostate cancer but the urologists say the radiologists can't read the scans!
    My oncologist ordered and then read my bone density scan to me. Severe osteoporosis in my spine and right hip. I was incredulous and took the same report to my radiologist the next day. She said I had the bone density of a woman my age, nothing to worry about...

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    My husband watched the show with me (along with our aspiring doctor 12 yo) and he felt totally vindicated.  He's been saying this (either through gritted teeth or like a simmering volcano) for years.  It is time the government grew some balls and linked the Medicare subsidies to a cap on the fee.  So far, I think mostly due to my surgeon's care and understanding of my financial situation, I have been fortunate that there has been very little gap to pay on anything.  I did get a shock that the genetic counsellor's gap for first consult is going to be $170.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
    The Anaesthetist that was there for both my breast surgeries never charged any extra and was very caring and remembered me when we met the second time round.  The ones that have charged me extra were tied into the Gynaecology side of treatment.  There's no comeback when you feel you have been given a poor service at a premium charge.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
    @PatsyN yes that was very interesting with the chap with Prostrate Cancer.  
    There's a trust in the system that you have been referred to the correct specialist however it would seem that perhaps a referral to a Radiation Oncologist may have been a better choice - but how as a patient, new to a disease would one know that!  
    The system is far from perfect and interestingly enough they also inferred that if you live in what is considered an affluent area then the cost to you would be greater than someone who's postcode maybe seen as low socio-economic!  
    Go figure!
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    @iserbrown I was interested to hear of different wait lists in different states. I have family in nearly all states so what's to stop me moving to the state with the shortest waiting list. I'd like to see a list for all the states and their respective wait lists and then move to the state with the shortest list, lol.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
    And isn't it sad that you have to think out of the square lol