depression..but not mine...

Well as if it's not hard enought dealing with my own emotional issues as I ride this part of my life.
I have 3 teenagers. My 19 year old daughter has just continued on life as normal and just treats home as a stopover place where I get no home help or hugs/how are you going.
My 16 year old son, has been the most caring and always askes me how I am going and gives me lots of emotional support BUT does not do anything around the house.
My 14 year old daughter acts like I am going through nothing and still demands to have things done for her that she should do for herself.
But her usually conscientious self has been replaced by someone who refuses to go to bed, spends all her time on her computer and is not getting her school work done like she used to. Her school counsellor referred her/us to an adolescent mental health place and they had talks with her/us/all the children and say that she has depression with anxiety. That was last week.
Since then my son has said that he is depressed and has been for a long time and that nothing interests him and he can't make himself do anything. Yesterday he came home from school and cried and last night I had to get into bed with him and hold him to try and help him relax. I am trying to get him an appointment too.
I am so worried about them. The thing is that these behaviours were present before I had BC diagnosis, so it is not because of this.
My daughter is on a scholarship, but they do not review them so she is safe at the school.
My son is also on a scholarship and he is in danger of losing it. He is a national level swimmer who used to also have a good work ethic.
School gave him till end of term 1 review in compassion for my medical issues, but he will be entering year 11 next year and to have to change schools would be bad for him. He says he can't get himself to do work or swimming training cos of his thougths..
Part of me says that they sound like normal teenagers.But anxiety and depression can't be ignored.There is lots of help out there and often teenagers will listen more to someone else.No matter how close or how well you communicate they need to talk to a professional.I don't know where you live but in Sydney there is help for teenagers at Macquarie university anxiety clinic and Westmead hosp.also similar help.Both are free.Life line is also a great service and they can direct you to help in your area.Just tap into some help for them and then step back and take care of yourself.
Tonya xx
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Part of me says that they sound like normal teenagers.But anxiety and depression can't be ignored.There is lots of help out there and often teenagers will listen more to someone else.No matter how close or how well you communicate they need to talk to a professional.I don't know where you live but in Sydney there is help for teenagers at Macquarie university anxiety clinic and Westmead hosp.also similar help.Both are free.Life line is also a great service and they can direct you to help in your area.Just tap into some help for them and then step back and take care of yourself.
Tonya xx
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Yeah thanks,
we are going to a place called Rivendell which from our first visit sounds like it will be helpful...fingers crossed...