Being diagnosed with breast cancer - mastectomy and reconstruction???



  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Nok it is ok just letting you know it is our town we live in not our name..... Broken Hill is in Far west NSW near SA  Bathurst is regional city 3.5hrs from sydney. 
  • TKS
    TKS Member Posts: 7
    Hi Nok, your story sounds similar to mine but I'm not as far along as you.  I am only 47 and usually healthy.   I first saw a GP back in Feb with no luck until I pushed that something was wrong, I've had multiple tests until I was finally diagnosed with something 6cm in size 2 weeks ago.   Still wondering what to do. 
    I hope what you're doing is working out really well.   I am also worried about whether I have the right surgeon, etc, I haven't met the oncologist yet, I do that on Friday.
    It sounds like the other ladies commenting here are great and offer really good advice.   This is my first post/comment here and I really just wanted to make contact to say Hi and hope you're doing ok.   I also live in Sydney.

  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    @TKS Put your story up on 'newly diagnosed'. If you're still wondering what to do, you'll be flooded with advice. How can anyone ever know if they've got the right surgeon until afterwards. My breast surgeon did a great job but I wouldn't go back to her. I'm about to sack my oncologist tomorrow, and how many oncologists do I know to replace him, zilch.
    2 weeks is a very recent diagnosis. I started chemo 3 weeks after my diagnosis but you will find a range of methods and a variety of breast cancers on offer, what's yours? I wouldn't be wasting any time if I were you - post in Newly diagnosed as a New Discussion.
    There's so much help and wisdom here.
    Best wishes

  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    edited June 2018
    Hi there I was 43 when I was diagnosed. No family history. Took the left boob off with the timor in it (3cm triple negative tumor stage 2a no lymph nodes involved all scans clear) then took the right one off 6 months later as a preventative. No regrets from me. I’m here in qld though so can’t help you with a surgeon. Hope your surgery has gone well. Big hug. Margie x
  • TKS
    TKS Member Posts: 7
    @PatsyN Thanks for the advice, I've added my story to Newly Diagnosed.
  • Nok
    Nok Member Posts: 14
    Hi TSK

    I am veyr happy to help. My surgeon was GREAT!. She did prepare for my surgery quick. She save my life as she cut my left breast and some lymph node glads. During the operation, she noticed the the cancer had spread to the first lymph node glad, so she cut four lymph node glads off. She was a great surgeon. Now I am preparing to install a Portacath for having Chemo. Please ask me any questions. I am very happy to help any times.    
  • Nok
    Nok Member Posts: 14
    In addition, after the surgery, my injuried site healed very quick, no infection at all, and there was no cancer found from CT scan and Bone scan. However, my treatment team wanted me to have Chemo and Radiation therapy to be sure that no cancer cells are in my body. I have HER2 positive, so I will be treated with Herceptin for a year. If you want to see my surgeon, please let me know. I will tell you her name. All the best for everyone who are fighting with cancer.  
  • Nok
    Nok Member Posts: 14
    Hi Onemargie

    I read about triple negative. I think it is better than HER2 positive. I have stage 1 cancer, but HER2 positive, not quite good. I think your case is much better. Best wishes, Margie. Cheers, Nok 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Nok Thrilled to hear you've had no further spread and it's wonderful you have such confidence in your medical team. You've got this! K xox
  • Nok
    Nok Member Posts: 14
    Hi Kmakm,

    Thanks, K. I will move back to Melbourne next year. xxx