Not sleeping



  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    Hi ladies. I found a breathing routine to concentrate on that puts me to sleep. Its called circular breathing. Similar basic idea to counting sheep but more easy to focus. So you breathe in fora count of 4 hold for 4 , breathe out for 4 wait for 4 etc etc. You are counting the whole time so any other worrying thoughts are pushed aside and the deep breaths help relax you. Obviously it doesnt have to be 4 its the regularity and concentration that work.  I also have a routine of tightening then losening muscles in each part of the body starting with toes tense them right up for a minute give or take then let go. Move up thru feet ankles calvesknees  thighs etc etc. The body feels relaxed and heavy after you let go . Having given these suggestions i have written restavit on my list for the pharmacy 
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    And agree about sleeping alone. Sad but wonderful.....
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Thanks had surgery and wow what an experience been so crook resting up and will bounce back. 
  • Hankster
    Hankster Member Posts: 86
    Glad surgery went ok.  It will get easier to cope just one day at a time.  Be kind to yourself ❤️ Cathy
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Thank s Cathy. Can't sleep gee this has been a rocky road , went to my GP still vomiting, coughing, pain ect. Got the magic needle to stop being sick. So sick of all the tablets this for this that for that unreal. Need to invent an injection for all and no more tablets be great. Chest infection on antibiotics, stress levels are rising as bills are coming in left right and centre unreal. Just having a vent, I feel for all the peps out their of who had to do this on there own your the best. I am a sooky la la lol. I went public grateful don't have to pay ect , gee we all had to be out of bed by six lined up like cattle sick as they want you out as they need the beds there is no privacy when nurses and doctors come to talk to you I asked to go into a room for some sort of privacy. We all should have free private health in your own room top doctors top treatment a funding of some sort like the student loans someone did mention that good idea.I went home still vomitting they hit me up with two lots of drugs to try stop it. Was sick all the way home unreal and nearly a week and still down the tube. Things need to get better for us treatments, medications , stays in hospital payments to help us live day by day I don't know unreal . Will try to get some sleep good night all.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,781
    @ShazS you've had it a bit rough by the sound of it.  The beauty of being home is that you're in your own environment which hopefully will give you some peace and opportunity for rest and sound sleep. 
    Goodness to have a chest infection on top of it all doesn't help!  Hope the nausea is subsiding!
    Here's to a restful recovery!  Take care and sending you a virtual hug
  • MKitty68
    MKitty68 Member Posts: 261
    I've been an insomniac since i was a teenager, but it is so much worse since chemo - especially on paclitaxel. My partner also snores - we moved in together half way through AC chemo. I could use ear plugs before, but on paclitaxel they give me headaches. 
    I use a sleep app on my phone called 'sleep time' it has different soundscapes - rain forest, thunderstorm, etc 
    I also set up the spare bed so that i can sleep in there if i am really struggling, also so my tossing & turning doesn't wake him up. My mattress has a pillow top as well as a lambswool cover. My Oncologist gave me sleeping tablets as well as endone for the bone pain. It helps somewhat, but other nights, (like last night) my arthritis will act up & i struggle - ended up in the bath with my feet under a stream of hot water at 3.30am just to stop them aching (i'm nearly out of endone with a week to go til i see him next). The hot water definitely helps at times like that. I need to get a proper massage or something soon though as I am just aching a lot at times. 
    The soundscapes give your mind something to focus on instead of wandering & over thinking anything else., allowing sleep to come.