Hi everyone

We are out of our house now and I miss our computer(locked away in a garage).So have come to the library for a quick bcna"fix".We will be at my daughter's next week on a blow up mattress so can use her pc.Can't move into our new place till mid Sept.but that's ok.I am enjoying the freedom of not working-didn't think I'd get used to it so quickly. I hope you lovely brave ladies are all going ok with your treatments
luv Tonya xx
Hi Tonya, I have not been on here in a couple of weeks. Just seen your posts about moving. How exciting, now that is a complete life change. Hope everything goes well for you. Enjoy your free time. Dot xx
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Wow Tonya, just got on here for first time in ages so only just caught up with your news - a real sea (life) change & well deserved too. Enjoy!
I may just be following you - I'm at present considering which real estate agent to list my house with as it is beyond me to maintain, also considering if it will be possible for me to "retire" as I have no desire to return to work.
Like you, all my long service was taken up with health issues & only been working again for 9 years after bringing up kids so superannuation will definitely not be enough to survive on.
Unlike you however, I do not have a partner to help support me, hence my hesitance at leaving work entirely. If that not possible I'm definitely considering cutting back on my hours worked so I can "enjoy" my life for a change while I still can.....
Cheryl xx
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Wow Tonya, just got on here for first time in ages so only just caught up with your news - a real sea (life) change & well deserved too. Enjoy!
I may just be following you - I'm at present considering which real estate agent to list my house with as it is beyond me to maintain, also considering if it will be possible for me to "retire" as I have no desire to return to work.
Like you, all my long service was taken up with health issues & only been working again for 9 years after bringing up kids so superannuation will definitely not be enough to survive on.
Unlike you however, I do not have a partner to help support me, hence my hesitance at leaving work entirely. If that not possible I'm definitely considering cutting back on my hours worked so I can "enjoy" my life for a change while I still can.....
Cheryl xx
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Hi Ladies,
I got an ipad for those Chemo days when I felt like staying in bed and its been a big disappointment!!! You can't reply to BCNA posts using it, and you can't play anything needing a Flash Player (like free TV) because Apple want you to buy through their itunes store. So its back on daughter's laptop for me!
Hi Tonya. Nice to hear from you.
I'm half way through my 6 cycles of Taxotere and Carboplatin and really suffering. Tired, lethargic, feel sick, dry....... Feel like I'm just existiing and not really living. So down. My (grown) children live with me, but have their own lives, so I'm 'fending for myself' most of the time and currently feeling very sorry for myself!
Cheryl, I'm like you. Single mother (divorced). Worked and raised 2 daughters on my own for the last 13 years and now I'm rethinking the whole work thing too. I'm off work until the end of the year now, but I'm really considering just working casual next year. I don't need the stress.
Being triple negative too, makes the chance of recurrence in the next two years quite high as well. I just want to live! Poor and healthy? Only problem is $s of course. Without a partner for financial and emotional support it means relying on family and government benefits. My Super is low as well.
I have the added burden of this cancer actually being a recurrence of an ER+ BC in 2009. A new Primary! So, since I've already had radiation once I can't have it again!!! After chemo that's it!
I can't seem to find anyone else in my situation although it does help to chat with you all here.
Sorry to 'download' ladies. One of those days!
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You poor thing,sounds like you are having a bad time with chemo.I thought Taxotere was dreadful!I had about 3 days curled up in the fetal position and couldn't get out of bed.I can understand how you'd be down-you are too sick to eat much,too headachey to read,too tired to walk or shop.About the only things left are sleep,daytime tv and dvds. Dianne,realestate might be your financial way out.I've just sold my Castlehill house for top dollar and downsized to a single level home in Kellyville.I made such a good profit that I can retire.Like you,I didn't have much super.I think we have to destress our lives after cancer(especially after 2 bouts like us)so casual might be the way to go.Now I won't say selling and moving was a picnic but in the long run,it's for the better - so I keep reminding myself! If I can help you in any way Dianne,just message me as I am not that far from Castlehill.I am presently in limbo on a blow up mattress at my daughter's place at Quaker's hill.I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
Tonya xx
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Hi Diane & Jojo -- I saw your comments and just wanted to let you know that the problem with iPad and iPhone is with the i-operating system/Safari combination (it's not compatible with some of our site code). The good news is that our developers are working on a fix to allow you to comment and make new posts with both iPad and iPhone, and it should be ready in a week or two, all going well (keep your fingers crossed!
We'll let you know when it's done and deployed to the site -- it's at the top of the queue because we appreciate how helpful it will be.
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That will be great.
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Hi Tonya,
Much better today thankyou!!
Yes, agree Real Estate is the way to go but I did that about 5 years ago! Sold the big family home in Cherrybrook. Now I've got a lovely brand new townhouse. Maybe I'll downsize again when the girls leave home, but I love this place!! Certainly de stressed my life not having to maintain a pool and big garden!
Pretty sure casual work is the way to go next year though.
Enjoy Quakers Hill! NIce mother and daughter time, anyway.